
Read the latest FAN-authored content on fluoride news and views.

ALERT: Fluoridation Resolution in Congress

A resolution has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives that seeks to recognize artificial water fluoridation as a “vitally important public health initiative,” and to solidify congressional support of the practice for its 70th anniversary. House Resolution 416 is entitled “Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives recognizing community water fluoridation as one of […]

10-year-old suffers traumatic brain injury from Sulfuryl fluoride

10-year-old suffers traumatic brain injury after Florida home is fumigated with Sulfury fluoride According to a September 10th press release from Beyond Pesticides: After returning to their home hours after the Terminix subcontractor told them it was safe to enter, the whole family became very ill. While the parents and the 7-year-old daughter recovered, the […]

A Bad Year for Fluoridation Gets Worse

Cochrane Review provides little convincing evidence of fluoridation benefits This Cochrane review is the third major scientific blow against fluoridation in 2015 and we are only half way through the year. See a summary of it below in a statement released yesterday to the press in New Zealand by Dr. Stan Litras, director of FIND […]

On Monday, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) admitted that the fluoride levels, which they promoted and encouraged as safe, has damaged children’s teeth.  Because of the huge increase in dental fluorosis (white spotted, yellow, brown and/or pitted teeth) in 41% of young teenagers, HHS says that water fluoride levels should be […]

Another Major Victory Against Mandatory Fluoridation in Ireland

Dear Supporter:  Major Council in Ireland Calls for End to Fluoridation On January 12th the Wexford County Council passed a motion by a unanimous vote calling on the government to cease and reverse Ireland’s Health Act 1960 that mandates water fluoridation in Ireland.  The motion had the support of every party involved, including Sinn Fein, […]

A Huge Thank You and Happy New Year to You All from FAN

Dear Supporter, First, a happy and successful New Year to each and every one of you. Let’s hope together we can really take a dent out of this awful practice in the coming year – despite the many millions of (including millions of taxpayer money) dollars that will be used against us. Yesterday we came very, […]

A Poster Competition & Teleconference

Dear Supporter, Yesterday was a very good day in our annual fundraiser, especially in terms of the number of donors. We received donations from 37 people totaling  $1,739. With Dr. Mercola matching all donations up to a total of $25,000, the total raised yesterday was $3,478 bringing our grand total up to $39,786 from 213 […]

American Dental Association contributions to Congressional representatives in 2014

The following information comes from of the Center for Responsive Politics for the ADA’s contributions to U.S. Senators and Congresspeople for the year 2014 • Profile for 2014 Election Cycle • Contributions to candidates: $1,187,100 • Contributions to Leadership PACs: $363,500 • Contributions to parties: $120,250 • Contributions to 527 committees: $505,418 • Contributions […]

10 million people freed from fluoridation in 2014

Dear Supporter Fundraising Update: A huge thank you to all who have donated so far. We have received $960 from 3 donors. To reach our goal, we need to raise $150,000 from 1000 donors by midnight December 31, 2014. Unlike most non-profits, we cannot raise money from large foundations because the fluoride issue is simply too controversial! We […]