This FAN production (one of FAN’s most popular) presents a powerful indictment of the water fluoridation program through interviews with a Nobel Laureate in Medicine, three scientists from the National Research Council’s landmark review on fluoride, as well as dentists, medical doctors, and leading researchers in the field.
Watch the latest FAN-produced videos on fluoride.
Ed Asner: “Fluoride Should Be a Choice, Not a Mandate”
In this short PSA, Ed Asner explains why he opposes water fluoridation. According to Asner, “common sense and common decency” suggest that, no matter how much a dentist or doctor might like a given medicine, in this case fluoride, they have no right to force it on an entire community, including those who don’t want […]
Ed Begley Jr: Many Studies Link Fluoride to Reduced IQ
In this short PSA, Ed Begley Jr addresses recent research linking elevated fluoride exposure to reduced IQ. Based on this and other research, Begley has added his voice to the growing number of people calling for an end to fluoridation.
Fluoride 101: A Response to Dr. Wu
Dr. Jay Levy, a practicing dentist in Portland, exposes the demonstrably false claims made by Dr. Phillip Wu in Healthy Kids, Healthy Portland’s response to FAN’s video featuring Dr. Yolanda Whyte.
10 Facts About Fluoride
Attorney Michael Connett summarizes 10 basic facts about fluoride that should be considered in any discussion about whether to fluoridate water. To download the flyer that accompanies this video, click here. To watch Michael debate the fluoridation issue with several fluoridation advocates, click here.
Sir Iain Chalmers on Water Fluoridation
A number of studies, particularly those published between the 1930s and 1970s, purported to demonstrate very large benefits from drinking fluoridated water. In 2000, these studies were critically reviewed by an expert committee, the “York Review,” and found to be of extremely poor quality. The York Review found, for example, that few studies alleging benefits from […]
The Arizona Fluoride Debate
FAN’s Executive Director, Paul Connett, PhD, has been challenging fluoridation proponents to have the courage of their convictions and defend the practice in open public debate. In Connett’s 16 years working on the fluoride issue, only three fluoridation proponents have ever accepted this challenge. Watch for yourself what happens when the proponents attempt to defend […]
The Politics of Fluoride
“[T]he political profluoridation stance has evolved into a dogmatic, authoritarian, essentially antiscientific posture, one that discourages open debate of scientific issues.” – Dr. Edward Groth, Senior Scientist, Consumers Union, 1991.
“Get it Out!” (Fluoride Protest Song)
“Get it Out!” is a song that was written and performed by Alex Wilson in Burlington, Vermont, in 2005.
Fluoride & Arthritis
Current evidence strongly indicates that some people diagnosed with “arthritis” are in fact suffering from low-grade fluoride poisoning. Joint pain and stiffness are well known symptoms of excessive fluoride intake. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, too much fluoride causes “chronic joint pain” and “arthritic symptoms.” (DHHS 1991). U.S. health authorities have […]