Watch the latest FAN-produced videos on fluoride.

FAN Q&A: Removing Fluoride from the Body

You asked, we answered. One of our supporters asks: “What substance will dislodge fluoride from the brain and the bones?” FAN’s advisory committee board member Dr. David Kennedy answers this question as part of FAN’s new Q&A video series. See the full FAN Q&A playlist here: Join FAN and get our bulletins: https://fluoridealert-migrate.local/take-action/join-fan-movement/

FAN Q&A: Synergistic Effects of Fluoride and Sodium Hypochlorite

You asked, we answered. One of our supporters asks: “Are there any synergistic effects known between fluoride and sodium hypochlorite used in the treatment of drinking water?” FAN’s advisory committee board member Dr. David Kennedy answers this question as part of FAN’s new Q&A video series. See the full FAN Q&A playlist here: Fluoridation, […]

FAN Q&A: Transdermal Harm from Fluoride Exposure

You asked, we answered. One of our supporters asks: “I have never seen any reference to “transdermal uptake of toxins” via bath or shower…” FAN’s advisory committee board member Dr. David Kennedy and FAN’s research director Chris Neurath answer this question as part of FAN’s new Q&A video series. See the full FAN Q&A playlist […]

FAN Q&A: The Efficacy of Fluoride in Tap Water

You asked, we answered. One of our supporters asks: “I read yesterday fluoride, while I know it’s bad, that it can also cause dental issues if we don’t have it…” FAN’s advisory committee board member Dr. David Kennedy answers this question as part of FAN’s new Q&A video series. See the full FAN Q&A playlist […]

FAN Webinar on Fluoride Neurotoxicity by Chris Neurath

FAN’s Research Director, Chris Neurath, closely details the evidence that fluoride is a developmental neurotoxin. This information in this video is an excellent introduction to the main argument FAN will be using in the upcoming federal TSCA trial against EPA that starts June 8th, 2020. More on the trial here: http://fluoridealert-migrate.local/issues/tsca-fluoride-trial/fact-sheet/ Chris Neurath describes the […]

4 Game-Changing Fluoride Neurotoxicity Studies (Teaser)

A short introduction to the four game-changing fluoride neurotoxicity studies, narrated by Dr. Paul Connett, PhD, Executive Director of the Fluoride Action Network. http://fluoridealert-migrate.local/articles/fou…

Game-Changing Fluoride Neurotoxicity Study #1: Bashash 2017

In the first game-changing fluoride neurotoxicity study, Bashash (2017) found a link between fluoride in the urine of pregnant women and lower measures of intelligence in their offspring. Click here for detailed information on all four studies: http://fluoridealert-migrate.local/articles/fou…. This videoclip was taken from a presentation given by FAN Director Paul Connett in Perth, Australia in […]

Game-Changing Fluoride Neurotoxicity Study #2: Green 2019

In the second game-changing fluoride neurotoxicity study, Green (2019) published a study in JAMA Pediatrics linking exposure to “optimally” fluoridated water during pregnancy to lowered IQ for the child. Click here for detailed information on all four studies: http://fluoridealert-migrate.local/articles/fou… This videoclip was taken from a presentation given by FAN Director Paul Connett in Perth, Australia […]

Game-Changing Fluoride Neurotoxicity Study #3: Riddell 2019

In the third game-changing fluoride neurotoxicity study, Riddell (2019) found that exposure to higher levels of fluoride in tap water is associated with an increased risk of ADHD symptoms and diagnosis of ADHD among Canadian youth, particularly among adolescents. Click here for detailed information on all four studies: http://fluoridealert-migrate.local/articles/fou… This videoclip was taken from a […]

Game-Changing Fluoride Neurotoxicity Study #4: Till 2020

In the fourth game-changing fluoride neurotoxicity study, Till (2020) reported that bottle-fed children in fluoridated communities in Canada lost up to 9 IQ points compared to those in non-fluoridated communities. Click here for detailed information on all four studies: http://fluoridealert-migrate.local/articles/fou… This videoclip was taken from a presentation given by FAN Director Paul Connett in Perth, […]