State denies Alcoa’s Special Order by Consent to discharge contaminants into Badin Lake

The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality has denied Alcoa’s Special Order by Consent to discharge contaminants, including cyanide and fluoride, into Badin Lake. “The Badin Business Park SOC, as drafted, will not move forward,” DEQ spokesperson Anna Gurney said in an emailed statement to the Stanly News & Press. “We are in active conversations […]

Group creates petition to highlight contamination of Badin Lake

Note from Fluoride Action Network: Major sources of industrial fluoride emissions are aluminum production plants (see ATSDR 2003). The Badin Lake issue in North Carolina: “Alcoa would divert contaminants, including cyanide and fluoride, from its current discharge point… into Badin Lake.” In describing fluoride the author states, “Exposure to high levels of fluoride could potentially […]

Possible link between sick koalas and Portland Aluminium emissions under microscope

The Alcoa aluminium smelter in Portland.(Supplied: Alcoa)   Scientists will study the bodies of 40 koalas that were euthanased due to poor health to work out whether their proximity to a Victorian aluminium smelter caused serious deformities. Key points: A previous study found kangaroos living near the aluminium plant suffered deformities linked to the plant’s […]

Alufluoride to commence operations at expanded Aluminium Fluoride plant

Expanded plant trails were taken from 29th November 2020 In a filing to the exchanges on Tuesday, Alufluoride Ltd intimated that its Visakhapatnam Aluminium Fluoride plant expansion works completed on November 28, 2020. And the expanded plant trails, according to the company, were taken from November 29, 2020. The company expects that the expanded plant […]

Recycling of Spent Pot Lining First Cut from Aluminum Smelters by Utilizing the Two-Step Decomposition Characteristics of Dolomite

Abstract Spent Pot Lining First Cut (shortened to SPL-1cut) is a solid waste discharged from a primary aluminum electrolytic production process. SPL-1cut is classified as hazardous waste in China because it contains large amounts of soluble sodium fluoride and a tiny amount of cyanide. Most of SPL-1cut is carbon-about 65%-and its calorific value is 22.587 […]

Alcore proves economics

PERTH ( – An economic assessment of ASX-listed Australian Bauxite’s planned Alcore processing plant, has shown that it would land in the lowest cost quartile of global aluminium fluoride production. Australia’s aluminium smelters are currently entirely reliant on imported aluminium fluoride, with more than 26 000 t imported from China alone over the past 12 […]

Thermal behaviors of fluoride during (co-)incinerations of spent potlining and red mud: Transformation, retention, leaching and thermodynamic modeling analyses

Highlights Inorganic fluoride behaviors of spent potlining co-incineration were quantified. Addition of red mud positively affected fluoride transformations. . 30% red mud reduced fluoride leaching rate and enhanced retention rate of bottom ash. 66.01% of the total fluoride of the bottom ash was found to be insoluble fluorine. SiO2 and Al2O3 positively affected NaF conversion […]

Australian Bauxite nets key player for aluminium fluoride quest

Tasmania’s bauxite miner has announced a key appointment as it pushes towards producing lucrative aluminium fluoride through an innovative refining process. The Australian Bauxite Limited project is expected to lead to a production plant at Bell Bay, north-west of Launceston. That would provide about 50 direct jobs early on, increasing to about 78 when a […]

Aluminium Association of India Seeks Reduction in Customs Duty on Input Materials

Indian aluminium industry has urged the government to reduce the basic customs duty on critical raw materials like aluminium fluoride, stating that high import duties are a huge disadvantage as they make Indian finished goods costlier and uncompetitive in the international markets. Aluminium Association of India said “To improve the cost structure of the Indian […]