UK. What’s REALLY in your tap water? With millions more Britons about to get fluoride funnelled into their drinking supplies

DAILY MAIL. Earlier this month it was announced that fluoride will be added to the water supplies of millions more Britons under Government plans to improve dental health. While the mineral has been added to water supplies in parts of the UK for decades – and NHS and experts including chief medical officer Sir Chris […]

Fluoride Trial Judge Mulls ‘Mixed’ IQ Evidence In Closings

LAW360. A California federal judge questioned the EPA and environmental groups on studies linking fluoride exposure to lower IQs during bench trial closing arguments Tuesday, observing that there’s a clear dose-response relationship… Original article online at:

Declaring “medical freedom” this North Carolina county just banned fluoride in its water

After weeks of often contentious debate, Union County commissioners voted 3-2 Monday night to stop adding fluoride to the county’s water supply. Water fluoridation has been used by cities for decades to reduce tooth decay. Pediatric dentists told commissioners the practice was not only safe, but it was also essential for those who never or […]

Judge Drills Into Science About Fluoride’s Harms as Trial Ends.

BLOOMBERG LAW. Fluoride trial ends with disputes over court’s authority Judge orders both sides to clarify their disputes by March 1 A federal judge on Tuesday focused attorneys on questions about the amount of fluoride that may harm children’s developing brains as he prepares to rule on whether the mineral is so risky the EPA […]

UK. Millions will get fluoride added to their tap water in biggest expansion of controversial scheme since the 1980s.

Millions more Brits will get fluoride added to their drinking water under Government plans. As part of the long-awaited dental recovery plan, ministers have vowed to embark on the biggest fluoridation expansion since the 1980s. Around 1.6million people in the North East will, if the contentious proposals are given the go ahead, get the mineral […]

Union Co. officials vote to remove fluoride from public water supply

MONROE, N.C. – Union County commissioners voted 3-2 Monday night against continuing the addition of fluoride to part of the county’s water supply. The contentious debate between public health and medical freedom has spanned months, over the course of three Board of County Commissioners meetings. A dozen people spoke on the issue, evenly divided on […]

Date set for fluoridation after floods, delays, and shortages plague project

FLUORIDATED water to help combat tooth decay will soon be a reality in Gunnedah, more than six years after the recommendation was first put before the local council… Original article online at:

Recycling of waste toner derived from exhausted printer cartridges as adsorbent for defluoridation of water.

Highlights Exhausted printer cartridge’s toner (PCt) powder as adsorbent for fluoride removal. It is a waste-to-wealth concept of reusing of remaining toner powder. This carbon ferric composite (toner) has 60 mg/g adsorption capacity. It shows the physical adsorption process between PCt and fluoride ions. Abstract Due to the broad adoption of electronic and electrical equipment and […]

Toxic Ingredients in Toothpaste: This Will Make You Think

Fluoride Fluoride is a touchy subject for many of us with conflicting opinions. Certain sites like the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Technology are concerned. A study was done on health risks associated with fluoride. However, the American Dental Association supports fluoride and says it’s important. You’ll have to make up your own mind. […]

Week 2 of the #FluorideLawsuit: EPA Rests Their Case, Admits Harm Related to Fluoride Exposure

SAN FRANCISCO – On Tuesday morning, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finished presenting their expert witnesses, and rested their case in the second phase of the long-delayed fluoride lawsuit. Judge Edward Chen ordered the EPA and the plaintiffs, led by Fluoride Action Network (FAN) attorney Michael Connett, to reconvene via Zoom on February 20th at 9:30 am […]