Richmond residents ‘gobsmacked’ after town employee lowers fluoride levels with no oversight.

Residents are concerned a town employee arbitrarily lowered the fluoride level in Richmond’s drinking water below recommended standards based on his personal beliefs. Town Manager Josh Arneson said he was notified by state officials in June that the town’s fluoride levels have been near 0.3 milligrams per liter for the past three years — less […]

Opinion: NIDCR report reveals 22 years of effort, money, fluoridation failed to improve oral health.

Editor’s note: the following information was submitted to Fort Atkinson Online by Paul S. Beeber, JD, president of the New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. The information was submitted following a decision made Tuesday, Sept. 20, by the Jefferson City Council to continue to add fluoride to the city’s water supply. The measure […]

Fluoridation returned to Wellington after ‘dental disaster’.

FAN NOTE: The real disaster here is Wellington ignoring the science and continuing to add a confirmed neurotoxin to its water. Residents in the Wellington Region once again have effective levels of fluoride in their water, after a damning report found it hadn’t been administered properly for six years. An independent inquiry was launched in […]

Jefferson decides to leave fluoride in its water supply.

JEFFERSON—For the foreseeable future, at least, the City of Jefferson will continue to put fluoride into its drinking water. The Jefferson Common Council in recent days changed its collective mind on the subject. Originally, unanimously in favor of removal of fluoride from city water, the council’s attitude changed after the panel heard from a pair […]

Water fluoridation hasn’t been associated with cognitive or other health problems so far, contrary to widespread claims.

FAN NOTE: Who checks the fact checkers? Lazy journalism. Health Feedback lies by omission here – no mention whatsoever of NIH-funded longitudinal studies showing water fluoridation HAS been associated with strong cognitive deficits in children. CLAIM: “Harvard Study Confirms: Fluoride Reduces Children’s IQ Factually inaccurate: The Harvard study didn’t confirm that fluoride reduces children’s IQ. […]

State College will end water fluoridation early next year. Here’s a look at the timeline.

The process to cease adding fluoride to the water that’s used by about 75,000 people daily has begun for the State College Borough Water Authority. The authority has contacted the state Department of Environmental Protection to start the re-permitting process to cease fluoridation. A public notification process has been underway since August and will continue […]

Fluoride rates will be ‘safe’.

FAN NOTE: The best available evidence shows fluoride is not safe to add to water at the level used for fluoridation. Anti fluoride residents were at this week’s district council service delivery meeting to express their opposition. Photo: Benjamin Wilson. The Prime Minister’s chief science advisor has told Waip? District Council the amount of fluoride […]

Domestic Company Wins Fluoride Mine Contract

The Afghanistan Chamber of Industry and Mines (ACIM) said that domestic companies should be given priorities in such contracts. A domestic company won the contract for a fluoride mine located in the western province of Badghis.  The Ministry of Mines and Petroleum said that it will give a 10 percent discount in taxes for the […]

Molten Salt Reactors: Maritime’s Nuclear Option

FAN NOTE: Another piece published today on fluoride and nuclear power. A race is being run by nuclear scientists and ship designers. The prize? “Decarbonization’s” holy grail — believed to be a “small” thorium-fuelled, molten-salt rector’s unlimited power to propel sea trade. At the same time, a recently revived discussion among leading marine-nuclear thinkers revolves […]

Ukraine nuclear enterprise Energoatom discusses cooperation with American company ConverDyn

FAN NOTE: This article highlights how fluoride is used in the production of nuclear fuel. An online meeting was held between the President of Ukraine’s nuclear enterprise Energoatom Petro Kotin and the President of the American conversion company ConverDyn Malcolm Critchley on September 22, 2022. Ukraine’s nuclear enterprise Energoatom shared its possible cooperation with American […]