Fluoride: still not convinced

Confusion over why the Ministry of Health chose Waipa as one of the first districts ordered to add fluoride to its water supply, has been reflected in candidates’ responses to The News’ survey. Ten respondents were against adding fluoride to the Cambridge water supply and nine were in favour. But nine were unsure including mayoral […]

ADA’s Dental Quality Measures

DQA measures address prevention and disease management to promote oral health for both children and adults. Dental Quality Measures Measures: Medicaid and Dental Plan AssessmentsPlease refer to the DQA User Guide before implementing these measures. All DQA measures undergo annual review. Please ensure you use the correct version for the measurement year. Use “2023” version […]

Council kickstarts fluoridation rollout after Government mandate

A mandate to fluoridate the water supply in Nelson will get kick-started with council funding before applying for back-payment from the Government’s roughly $11 million fund. At the end of last month, Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield ordered 14 local authorities, including Nelson, to add fluoride to some or all of their water supplies. […]

Cessation of Fluoridation Program for Wills Point PWS – Effective November 1, 2022

The following is from this pdf August 31, 2022 On August 9, 2022, the Wills Point City Council unanimously approved to dissolve the Texas Department of State Health Services Fluoridation Program. We will no longer add fluoride to our drinking water as of November 1, 2022. Below is a list of the benefits and disadvantages […]

Water fluoridation – is it good or bad?

Note from Fluoride Action Network: • We label this article as misinformation as it states that fluoridation is safe. No mention is made of the 76 (count them!) fluoride IQ studies. Nor is any mention made of the Mother-Offspring fluoride studies. These studies provide compelling evidence that fluoride exposure during the prenatal and postnatal stages […]

What brought down one Texas county’s entire elections department? It was something in the water.

Aggrieved anti-fluoride activists, low pay and an understaffed office eventually drove away all of Gillespie County’s election staff. Editor’s note: This story contains explicit language. This coverage is made possible through Votebeat, a nonpartisan news organization covering local election administration and voting access. The article is available for reprint under the terms of Votebeat’s republishing […]

What do shark teeth have to do with Indiana’s groundwater? Researcher digs for answers

Shark teeth buried in the sands of Florida’s warm sunny beaches and new lab equipment at Indiana University are helping a Hoosier geologist dig into research that could explain dangerously high fluoride levels in some Indiana groundwater. Tracy Branam, a research scientist at the Indiana Geological and Water Survey, began analyzing groundwater in southern Indiana […]

IADR Position Statement on Community Water Fluoridatio

“IADR encourages dental health professionals to sensitize the public about the benefits of CWF to ensure sustained municipal water fluoridation…” Position Statement on Community Water Fluoridation Authors: L.G. Do, J.A. Cury, P. James, P.A. Mossey, F.V. Zohoori, C.H. Fox, and M.K.S. Charles-Ayinde The International Association for Dental Research (IADR) supports community water fluoridation as a […]

Boothbay: Fluoridation on Election day ballot

Excerpt: … In other action, selectmen held four public hearings. Six local residents spoke in favor of removing fluoride from the public water supply. Voters in Boothbay, Boothbay Harbor and Southport will decide on Election Day whether Boothbay Region Water District will continue adding fluoride into the drinking water. Boothbay residents Julie Roberts, Eve Jamieson, […]

Rotorua’s mayoral candidates meet with voters to debate key issues

Excerpt: Rotorua’s mayoral candidates Reynold Macpherson (left), Fletcher Tabuteau, Kalaadevi Ananda, Rania Sears, Ben Sandford and Tania Tapsell met with voters on Tuesday night. Photos / Maryana Garcia … When it came to the fluoridation of water, businesswoman Kalaadevi Ananda did not believe there was a need to fluoridate water for everyone. “The purer the […]