Fluoride Action Network

Cassadaga: Fighting tooth decay. Fluoride hearing draws crowd

Source: The Observer | October 3rd, 2012 | By Diane R. Chodan, Staff Writer
Location: United States, New York

Thirty-one members of the public attended a public meeting meant to provide information about fluoridation of water to customers of the Cassadaga water system.

… Emmy Chetkin objected to the speakers that were present. “This is lopsided and biased,” she said. She loudly objected that the board should have gotten an expert who was opposed to fluoridation.

Lined up to speak were: Greg McCorkhill, the engineer in charge of the water project; Deputy Mayor Rodney Waite who is also a dentist; Paul Snyder from the Chautauqua County Department of Health; Deborah Staples, a registered dental hygienist who works for the Resource Center; and Jay Kumar, DDS (doctor of dental science) MPH, (Masters of Public Health) from the New York State Department of Health. Kumar was present via speaker phone…

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