
  • New Plymouth: Fluoride ‘can affect brain’

    New Plymouth will have fewer geniuses and more “mentally handicapped” people if the town keeps fluoride in its water supply. Those are the findings of Cambridge University graduate professor of chemistry Paul Connett, a director of the international Fluoride Action Network. He has travelled the world spreading his message that fluoridation of water supplies is […]

  • Achhro Thar : Contaminated water kills 17 and paralyzes hundreds

    KARACHI: Forty-eight year old Sahanti was lying on the sand inside her traditional Thari hut and her daughter was trying to ease her pain by massaging her head. She has been lying in this position for the last 26 years with lower body paralysis, and experts say that underground supplies of water, contaminated with high […]

  • Campaigners say no to fluoride in the water

    A campaign group last night called on people in the Highlands to oppose Government plans to add fluoride to national water supplies. Highland Movement Against Water Fluoridation (HMAWF) claims too much artificial fluoride can lead to thyroid and allergy problems, osteoporosis, and various forms of cancer. At a public meeting in Inverness last night, the […]

  • Fluoridation in the Highlands may cost too much

    HEALTH experts in the Highlands want more information and a full public consultation before considering any move to put fluoride in water supplies. The Highland NHS Board yesterday unanimously agreed fluoride is a safe and effective way of tackling dental problems, but said fluoridation of water in the area could be impractical and too costly. […]

  • Health fear for children sparks fury over fluoride

    Sweeping new measures to allow fluoride to be added to large parts of Britain’s water supply are set to provoke a huge political row amid fears that ‘mass medication’ may harm children and lead to more tooth disease. Ministers will try to force the new Water Bill through the House of Commons this week before […]

  • Petition comes out against fluoridation

    Hundreds of people have backed a campaign in Shropshire to fight moves to put fluoride in the water supply. Whixall Women’s Institute has been concerned about the health implications and had launched a protest against the proposals. A petition was launched to support the cause and two Women’s Institute members took on the tough challenge […]

  • Southampton: Divided by fluoride

    DEPENDING on who you listen to, fluoride is either a poison or a tried-and-tested cure for an entirely preventable disease. In Southampton, health chiefs want to add it to the water supply of two-thirds of the city’s residents in a bid to improve chronic dental health, particularly in more deprived areas. They say the increasingly […]

  • British Medical Association: Position on the fluoridation of water

    BMA Policy The BMA remains committed to the fluoridation of mains water supplies, after appropriate public consultation, on the grounds of effectiveness, safety and equity [a]. The BMA believes that local authorities should be more proactive in helping to reduce the dental inequalities that exist across social groups in the United Kingdom (UK). Background Tooth […]

  • Mercury fillings may be affecting dentists

    Dear All, For years, most, but not all, dentists have trusted their dental associations when they were assured that mercury amalgams were perfectly safe for their patients and themselves. Now more and more evidence is mounting that neither claim is true. In this latest report, Scotland researchers have found “up to four times the normal […]

  • Fluoride in water ‘risks unknown’

    The use of fluoride in toothpaste is now so widespread that people’s total exposure to the chemical is no longer known, leading scientists said yesterday. A report from the Medical Research Council, commissioned by the Government, could put into question Labour’s plans to change the law to encourage more fluoridation in the fight against tooth […]