
  • Chronic toxicity of dietary sodium monofluorophosphate in growing rats, with special reference to kidney changes.

    MATERIAL AND METHODS: Male white rats weighing about 100 grams at the start of the experiments were used in the study. They were raised in a standardized way by the Anticimex Co., Stockholm on pellets containing about 28 ppm fluoride and tap water containing about 0.1 ppm fluoride. In a four-week pilot study 20 rats […]

  • Fircrest council opts to continue adding fluoride to city’s drinking water

    The water in the city of Fircrest will continue to be fluoridated. The City Council opted for the status quo Tuesday by voting down an ordinance that would have stopped the 57-year practice. Despite the council voting 5-2 to continue water fluoridation, anti-fluoride activists said they aren’t done trying to get the chemical additive removed […]

  • Rockport. Letter: Fluoride presenter welcomes challengers

    To the editor: It’s interesting that, in his letter (the Times, Wednesday, Aug. 13) Arthur Thomas chastised Paul Connett, PhD.. for not having the credentials to talk about the effects of fluoride on the body, yet Mr. Thomas feels that a dentist does possess those credentials. A dentist specializes in teeth. Dr. Connett, a bio-chemist […]

  • FluorideGate deepens with release of 2000 pages of FOIA documents

    Emails released by freedom-of-information  requests reveal a too-close relationship among members of the Centers for Disease Control’s Oral Health Division (CDC), the American Dental Association (ADA) and the Pew Foundation. It appears they protect fluoridation while dismissing, insulting and marginalizing those who raise valid health concerns, reports New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc […]

  • Do newly released emails reveal conflict of interest between the CDC and the ADA?

    Over 2000 pages of emails released under a Freedom of Information Act request have uncovered an apparent conflict of interest between the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Dental Association (ADA) regarding water fluoridation. The emails also contain an admission by the CDC that those with kidney issues will likely be […]

  • Poison spreads in city’s water

    Guwahati: A serious health risk is creeping up on the residents of the city as the concentration of iron, fluoride, arsenic and other total dissolved solids in groundwater increases. Recent tests of groundwater samples by Anto Daya, an offshoot of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), at a city laboratory have confirmed the presence of such elements. […]

  • Rise of kidney ailment cases worries Lambada tribals

    Barothu Gandhi, 38, one among dozens of patients diagnosed with kidney ailments reportedly due to consumption of fluoride water in Lambada tribal habitations in Krishna district, had already sold his two-acre of land to meet his monthly medical expenses since 2011. Bed-ridden for most of the day at his house in a sleepy tribal hamlet […]

  • Anti-Fluoride Activists Rally to ‘Get the F out of Dallas’

    The fight to remove fluoride from public drinking water is gaining momentum in Dallas, Texas, where activists are working hard to boost awareness of the issue ahead of a major City Council vote. One campaign in particular aims to educate the citizens of Dallas to the dangers of fluoride through an informative and well-produced public […]

  • Why water fluoridation continues, despite flying in the face of science

    A majority of Americans consume an “invisible” drug on a daily basis—a drug so harmful it’s been proven to cause serious health issues, including damage to your bones, teeth, kidneys, thyroid, and pineal gland. Dozens of studies have shown it reduces IQ in children and damages your brain. Despite that, this drug is so pervasive […]

  • Calcifies Your Arterial Walls, But 67% of Americans Consume It Daily

    See original article, read and/or submit comments, and see free video interview Those who bother to delve into the science behind water fluoridation will inevitably come to see that there’s an abysmal lack of evidence supporting this routine practice, and an awful lot of evidence stacked against it. Water fluoridation began in 1945. Today, the […]