
  • Political mischaracterization of fluoridation opposition dismays scientists

    Scientists representing the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) strongly object to recent mischaracterizations of fluoridation opponents by political pundits Rachel Maddow, Keith Olbermann and others in conjunction with Senator Harry Reid’s Nevada re-election campaign. “Fluoridation opposition is science-based and growing,” says Paul Connett, PhD, FAN Executive Director, who has co-authored the upcoming book, “The Case Against […]

  • Parents Should be Warned: Fluoridated Water is Not Recommended for Infants

    A new study confirms infants fed formula reconstituted with fluoridated water are at greater risk of developing discolored teeth (dental fluorosis). (1) The American Dental Association (ADA) warned dentists about this in 2006 but has done little or nothing to inform the nearly 200 million Americans who live in communities with fluoridated drinking water. The […]

  • Poultry Products Produced by Mechanical Separation and Products In Which Such Poultry Products Are Used

    SUMMARY: The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is amending the Federal poultry products inspection regulations to prescribe: a definition and standard of identity and composition for the poultry product that results from the mechanical separation and removal of most of the bone from skeletal muscle and other tissues of poultry carcasses and parts of […]

  • Fluoridegate and Fluoride Litigation: What law firms need to know about fluoride toxic tort actions

    You have probably heard the recent news in the media about fluoride risks; a growing “Fluoridegate” scandal; cities dropping their longstanding policy of water fluoridation; and concerns about fluoride harm to kidneys, bones, thyroid glands, and teeth. For decades, Americans have heard of a long-simmering controversy over the whole-body safety of ingested fluorides. Now government […]

  • New evidence confirms dentists controlled statements by CDC on fluoridation toxicity concerns

    Ellijay, GA – Swirling questions about conflicts of interest and improper influence grew rapidly today as Freedom of Information Act documents showed that since the 1970s, dental health professionals alone in the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have controlled the agency’s stance supporting water fluoridation. A response to a request for the names and job […]

  • Dow’s Bait and Switch on Sulfuryl Fluoride

    Dear All, A few months ago, on October 4, 2002, we sent out an IFIN bulletin requesting our readers support in fighting a proposal by DOW to get an experimental use permit (EUP) for use of the fumigant sulfuryl fluoride on two food items; walnuts and raisins. The prposed new uise for this fumigant was […]

  • ADA Unmasked on Mercury

    Dear All, I don’t know who Juliet Fletcher is but she has done a remarkably good job summarizing the mercury amalgam toxicity issue along with the horrible bullying and unscientific tactics practiced by the ADA on this issue for over 150 years. At some point the ADA is going to have its pants sued off […]

  • Sodium Fluoride used in Fluoridation is NOT Pharmaceutical Grade

    Dear All, One of the downsides of stressing the dangers posed by untested silicofluorides used for fluoridating over 90% of the water systems fluoridated in the US, is the unintended implication, that perhaps the other agent used for fluoridating the other 10% of the systems is OK. This is not the case. This is stressed […]

  • Toothpaste Terror

    Cancer caused by mouthwash? Lethal doses of toothpaste? Natural oral care products are creeping onto store shelves, using scare tactics to increase their sales. Are they attempting a hostile takeover of the oral hygiene market by instilling fear in the American public? You decide. One natural toothpaste company warns on their website, “Check your toothpaste […]

  • Fluoridation’s dirty little secret

    If the benefits to teeth from fluoridated water are hard to find, the damage done to teeth by fluoridated water is easy to see – literally. Dental fluorosis is a mottling of the tooth surface that can range from mild discoloration of the tooth surface to severe staining and pitting. The condition is permanent after […]