
  • Inside Story: Panacea or poison?

    If you swallow more than a tiny “pea-sized” amount of fluoride, you are advised to contact a “poison control centre immediately”. With the introduction of water charges set to dominate the political agenda in the year ahead, the government’s controversial policy of adding fluoride to our water must be addressed. Fluoride, the chief ingredient in […]

  • Dirty Dozen: The 12 Most Commonly Used Air Toxics in Unconventional Oil Development in the Los Angeles Basin

    INTRODUCTION For the first time in California, operators of oil and gas wells have been forced to disclose some of the chemicals they use in extreme oil and gas production techniques. These reports confirm that dangerous extraction methods are using harmful and toxic chemicals and exposing Californians to unacceptable risks. Starting June 4, 2013, the […]

  • Davis County: Fluoridation is not social justice

    Several proponents of adding fluoridation chemicals to Davis water have argued for it on the basis of social justice for minority and poor residents. But such civil rights activists as the League of United Latin American Citizens and Andrew Young — former Atlanta mayor, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and friend and supporter […]

  • Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics May Cause Permanent Nerve Damage

    The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently issued a warning that fluoroquinolone antibiotics, taken by mouth or injection, carry a risk for permanent peripheral neuropathy. The safety announcement states:1 “The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has required the drug labels and Medication Guides for all fluoroquinolone antibacterial drugs be updated to better describe […]

  • Letter: ‘Fluoridation of Tottenham is based on fraud’

    I have enormous respect for Dr. Hardy Limeback. I think he’s a national treasure. I lived in Alliston from 1967-71 and graduated from Banting High. My father passed away in Stevenson under the compassionate care of my former classmates. I have had an emotional reaction to what is going on with the fluoride debate. I […]

  • ‘Superphosphate’ poisoning is actually fluorosis

    Animals have been known to die from grazing pastures recently top-dressed with superphosphate. The cause of death is in fact fluoride (not phosphate) toxicity as commonly thought. Fluoride is found in all naturally occurring phosphate deposits, so ends up in all P fertilisers, including superphosphate (single, triple and dicalcic), DAP, MAP and RPR, but not […]

  • Sulfuryl fluoride: NY approves pesticide despite unresolved health risks

    Fluoride Action Network (FAN) urges the NYS Bureau of Pesticides to rescind their recent approval of a new food fumigant pesticide, sulfuryl fluoride, because serious health risks, raised by environmental groups, remain unanswered by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In a November 28, 2005 letter to Dow AgroSciences, Maureen Serafini, Director, NYS Bureau of […]

  • Sulfuryl fluoride: New food pesticide dangerous for all Americans, three environmental groups warn

    Three environmental groups are urging the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to revoke their approval of sulfuryl fluoride as a pesticide fumigant on food. EPA approved sulfuryl fluoride as an alternative food fumigant to ozone-depleting methyl bromide. The groups say additional fluoride levels in food will be harmful to the health of all Americans because fluoride […]

  • Sulfuryl fluoride: Environmental groups petition EPA to retract fluoride pesticide tolerances on food

    Two national environmental organizations, Environmental Working Group and Beyond Pesticides, joined today with the Fluoride Action Network in challenging the safety of new food tolerances issued by the EPA for the fluoride based pesticide, sulfuryl fluoride. This action marks growing concern among mainstream scientists and environmental organizations that total exposure to fluoride, from water, food, […]

  • Fluoride Chemicals Leach Lead into Water Supplies

    Fluoride chemicals, combined with other water additives, pull health-damaging lead from plumbing systems into drinking water, according to University of North Carolina researchers reported a North Carolina newspaper on May 18, 2005 (a). Fluoride is added to water supplies to prevent cavities, not purify it as some believe. A combination of chloramines and fluorosilicic acid, […]