
  • European Commission: Opinions on the 2011 SCHER report on fluoridation for the Layman

    European Commission: Opinions on the 2011 SCHER report on fluoridation for the Layman About this publication on Fluoridation Online at 1. Source for this Publication The texts in level 3 are directly sourced from “Critical review of any new evidence on the hazard profile, health effects, and human exposure to fluoride and the fluoridating […]

  • European Commission: SCHER 2010 report on fluoridation; Opinions-Layman, Level 3

    Level 3 at The texts in Level 3 are directy quoted from: Source & ©: SCHER  Critical review of any new evidence on the hazard profile, health effects, and human exposure to fluoride and the fluoridating agents of drinking water More… 1 Introduction Background Fluoride is not considered to be essential for human growth […]

  • Cancer Risks in Aluminum Reduction Plant Workers: A Review.

    REFERENCES 1. Ravier EF. Technology of alumina reduction. In: Hughes JP, ed. Health Protection in Primary Aluminium Production, Proceedings of a Seminar, Copenhagen 28–30 June 1977. London, UK: International Primary Aluminum Institute; 1977:17–21. Cited Here 2. IARC. IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Humans. Polynuclear Aromatic Compounds. Part 3, Industrial […]

  • USA: More About Fluoride

    Early this year Newsweek magazine published a story with this advice for readers: “Brush your teeth, but the fluoride from your tap may not do much good – and may cause cancer”. The supporting cancer hazard evidence was an animal study sponsored by the government’s National Toxicology Program (Lancet, Feb 3, p282). Since then, the […]

  • Don’t Drink the Water? Brush your teeth, but the fluoride from your tap may not do much good — and may cause cancer

    Remember the great fluoride debate? Back in the 1950s, every voice of authority, from the U.S. Public Health Service to the PTA, supported adding fluoride to the water supply as an effective and totally safe way to promote healthy teeth. The only opponents seemed to be John Birchers and other extremists who regarded the scheme […]

  • Caries Preventative Already Has One Rap Against It

    The unexpected positive results from the National Toxicology Program’s (NTP) rodent study of fluoride carcinogenicity will make it difficult for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) not to classify fluoride a carcinogen, thereby terminating 40 years of public-water fluoridation in the United States. Validated pathology results officially released by the NTP showed that, among male rats, […]

  • The Risks of Fluoride: The Long Awaited Verdict

    If it were any other chemical, the news that fluoride may cause cancer would probably have been greeted with little more than mutters about the latest cancer causing substances of the week. But fluoride is no ordinary chemical. Added to public drinking water for 45 years in an effort to reduce tooth decay, it has […]

  • ACSH Considers Legal Action Against Attempts to Reclassify Fluoride

    The American Council on Science and Health said last week that it will seek to restrain any federal agency from banning or seeking to reclassify fluoride from a non-carcinogen to a probable carcinogen. “If the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) tries to undermine the public confidence in fluoride, we will take steps to stop them,” said […]

  • Weak Link on Fluoride and Cancer Is Backed

    A panel of scientific experts today endorsed the findings of a Federal investigation showing that a compound widely used to fluoridate public water supplies may cause bone cancer in male rats. The panel found that the evidence inconclusively demonstrated a weak association between fluoride consumption and the bone cancer in male rats. Federally sponsored scientists […]

  • Interview with EPA’s Dr. William Marcus on NTP’s Fluoride/Cancer Study

    The following is an interview with Dr. William Marcus, Senior Science Advisor in EPA’s Office of Drinking Water, concerning the National Toxicology Program’s animal study on fluoride & cancer. The interview is with Dr. Gary Null, and was aired on Null’s radio show (program #310) on March 10, 1995.  Marcus: When I got a hold of the contractor report […]