
  • Truth Decay eroding confidence in fluoridation – Part II

    In the US, 1500 scientist, lawyers and other professionals from the Environmental Protection Agency have called for an end to water fluoridation. As far back as 1997, their union stated: “Our review of the body of evidence over the last eleven years, including animal and human epidemiology studies, indicate a causal link between fluoride/fluoridation and […]

  • Kildare Doctor Challenges State over Fluoridation

    High Court proceedings were issued on Friday challenging the government’s 40-year-old fluoridation policy. Dr Andrew Rynne, a Co Kildare family doctor, issued proceeding against the Minister for Health, Eastern Regional Health Authority, Kildare Co Council, the Attorney General and the state. Some dentists have also stepped up their opposition to fluoridation. The 15-member Irish Dentists […]

  • Cross Border Fluoride Cancer Link?

    New research of bone cancer figures has shown a 40% elevated rate in Republic of Ireland (fluoridated) compared to Northern Ireland (unfluoridated).(1) The bone cancer in question called osteosarcoma is one of the most prevalent cancers in young males, aged 9-20. There are both animal and human studies linking osteosarcoma and water fluoridation/fluoride.(2,3) One study […]

  • Unintended consequences

    A new science-based report on the mass fluoridation of South African drinking water has raised several red flags – including extra health risks for tens of thousands of HIV/Aids sufferers, kidney patients, the elderly and other “sensitive” groups. Many of the potential costs – to people, the environment and the economy – have not been […]

  • Leading Cancer Researcher Opposes Water Fluoridation

    Dr Sam Epstein, Chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition, author of “The Politics of Cancer”, and “The Politics of Cancer Revisited”, strongly supports MP John Butterfill’s Early Day Motion 1258, on FLUORIDATION OF PUBLIC WATER SUPPLIES 20.05.03, which states: “That this House considers that the only chemicals which should be added to public water are […]

  • Something in the water?

    More fluoride should be put into Britain’s drinking water, according to health secretary Alan Johnson. Money has been earmarked for health boards wishing to do so. In some parts of the UK, fluoride occurs naturally in the water supply; in others, such as the Midlands, it is already added to water supplies. To Johnson, there […]

  • Juneau. My turn. Fluoridation: Why Europe matters

    Europe largely does not fluoridate its water. For two reasons, this matters to us in Juneau as we decide whether to put fluoride back in city water. The first reason has been widely noted. Tooth decay among adults and children has declined in Europe at essentially the same rates as in the United States. This […]

  • Juneau. My turn: Time to put fluoridation behind us

    “Water Fluoridation is obsolete. Nations who still practice it should feel ashamed of themselves,” said Dr. Arvid Carlsson, pharmacologist and winner of the 2002 Nobel Prize in medicine and physiology. Much scientific and social progress has been made in the 60 years since water fluoridation was introduced. In August, more than 600 dentists, medical doctors, […]

  • Fairbanks. Letter: No to fluoride

    To the editor: Pro-fluoridation lobbyists say “… there are no adverse health effects associated with fluoridated water.” This is simply false. The fluoridation orthodoxy tolerates no doubt, dismissing opposition as quackery after cursory review, holding faith in “expert opinion” of public health bureaucrats. Nobel laureate Arvid Carlsson is as qualified as any, but is strongly […]

  • Lafayette discontinues fluoridation program

    More than 170 million Americans, or 67 percent of the United States population served by public water supplies, drink water with optimal fluoride levels for preventing tooth decay, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Customers of the City of Lafayette’s water system, however, are no longer among them. According to Mayor Bill […]