
  • Sodium Fluoride Allowed in New Organic Standards

    Despite the fact that Sodium Fluoride “is a persistent, non-degradable poison that moves through the environment and accumulates in the soil and organisms” (Waste Not #461) the USDA is allowing for its use in the new National Organic Standards which are nearing completion. We need to act now to ensure that organic food production does not contribute […]

  • Critics raise red flag over fluoride in tap water

    Nearly a half-century after water fluoridation became widespread, a small but growing number of medical officials and environmentalists are again raising concerns over the practice. Recent research is suggesting that fluoride may be connected to a number of serious conditions, including the development in teenage boys of osteosarcoma, the rare bone cancer that killed Canadian […]

  • SALON: Fear of Fluoride

    Questions about the safety of this cavity-fighting chemical aren’t just for right-wing conspiracists anymore Have you read the fine print on your toothpaste tube recently? Check it out. If your toothpaste contains fluoride — which nearly every brand in the United States does — there’s a consumer advisory message that might surprise and alarm you, […]

  • The cost of no cavities

    Is fluoridated water good for you? Or is it a poison that causes young boys to die of bone cancer? For 60 years, U.S. cities and towns have been adding fluoride to tap water, and for 60 years pro-fluoride advocates have been unable to forge a scientific consensus in favor of the practice. Those who […]

  • FAN in the News: 2001 – 2006

    FAN in the News: 2007-2010 2011-2012 2006: Health dept. issues fluoridation warning – Bratteboro Reformer (Vermont, USA), December 19, 2006 “But Michael Connett, an anti-fluoride activist who works for the Fluoride Action Network, said the health department warning is an important wake-up call and should not be taken lightly. For years, Connett said, both the […]

  • Zimbabwe: Diamond Firms Poison Save River

    PEOPLE who live along Save and Odzi Rivers in Manicaland province are at risk of contracting cancer and other diseases as diamond mining companies in Marange are dumping dangerous chemicals into the rivers, a recent biological and chemical study has shown. The study, carried out early this month by the University of Zimbabwe on behalf […]

  • FAN’s Comments to HHS: The Time Has Come to End Fluoridation

    On January 7, 2011, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced its recommendation to reduce the level of fluoride added to drinking water based on national survey data showing that 41% of American adolescents (ages 12-15)  now have dental fluorosis (a tooth defect caused by excess fluoride consumption during childhood). On January 13, 2011, […]

  • Pesticides: A – B

    The List of Fluorinated and Fluoride Pesticides Beginning with A – B Note: The information on the pesticides was current as of 2007 –  FAN intends to update this throughout 2012-2013. PESTICIDE ADVERSE EFFECTS REGISTERED FOR USE Acetoprole CAS No. 209861-58-5 Acaricide, Insecticide (Pyrazole), Nematicide (Unclassified) As of February 2005: no Tox data available. New […]

  • Pesticides: C

    The List of Fluorinated and Fluoride Pesticides Beginning with C Note: The information on the pesticides was current as of 2007 –  FAN intends to update this throughout 2012-2013. PESTICIDE ADVERSE EFFECTS REGISTERED FOR USE Carbon tetrafluoride CAS No. 75-73-0 Propellant (Halogenated organic) Former US EPA List 3 Inert See effects CNS Heart Lung Tremors […]

  • Pesticides: D – E

    The List of Fluorinated and Fluoride Pesticides Beginning with D – E  Note: The information on the pesticides was current as of 2007 –  FAN intends to update this throughout 2012-2013. PESTICIDE ADVERSE EFFECTS REGISTERED FOR USE Demethylnorflurazon CAS No. 112748-69-3 Breakdown product of Norflurazon (Pyridazinone) As of September 2003: no accessible tox info. EPA […]