
  • A debate in ‘Fluorida’?

    Dear All, According to the article in today’s Sun-Sentinel which comes out of Palm Beach County, ‘Fluorida’ (the poison state), the “Officials plan for fluoride debate”. However there is one little snagg, we know that the officials have already made up their mind, and no matter what transpires in this “debate” they are going to […]

  • Fluoride Divide. A 60-year Debate Revisited in Escambia County

    Some experts have called it a breakthrough in human health innovation, while others have pitted it as a toxic, government infringement. But while the controversial issue of water fluoridation dates back to its initial integration into public drinking utilities during the 1940s, there has been little buzz surrounding it in Escambia County since it was […]

  • Chemist: Hear both sides in fluoridation debate

    I have spent the last six years researching the issue of fluoridation, with no ax to grind, and I am appalled that anyone would consider adding this biologically and pharmacologically active substance to the drinking water. Fluoride is not an essential nutrient. The level in mothers’ milk (10 parts per billion) is one hundred times […]

  • ACE: Fluoride in public water is unnecessary and not safe

    It’s perplexing and even shameful that the American Dental Association is refusing to look at the overwhelming evidence showing fluoridation of public water is ineffective, unnecessary, and not safe. ACE commends the Pottstown Water Authority members who looked at reality, rejected dental association spin, and opposed fluoridation of Pottstown’s water. In 2007, ACE did extensive […]

  • Not much of an inquiry from the Philadelphia Inquirer

    Dear All, Should we be grateful that a main stream newspaper with an impressive reputation examines the issue of the excessive levels of dental fluorosis occuring in the US? (see article below) Should we grab a crumb of satisfaction from the fact that we were “quoted” in the piece? In light of the track record […]

  • Taking Truth to Power

    Dear All, I was honored a couple of weeks ago to be invited by the US EPA to participate in a one on one debate on fluoridation to be held in Washington DC on May 6. However, those responsible for finding an opponent are experiencing difficulties finding someone. Now if this was a prize fight […]

  • Do the Kids Need Fluoride?

    I grew up on fluoride toothpaste, diligently brushing my teeth after every meal. So I was resistant to any suggestion that there may be a problem with fluoride. Countless commercials drummed in the claim that it fights cavities, and if anything to the contrary caught my eye, I dismissed it as mere ranting and raving. […]

  • Another major warning signal

    Dear All, Yesterday an abstract posted on PubMed sends yet another serious warning signal on the potential disastrous consequences of continuing to add fluoride to the public water supplies. Researchers at Indiana University in Bloomington, have found – using the FETAX test, one of the standard screening tests for teratogenicity (the ability to cause birth […]

  • Groups challenge EPA’s approval of Dow’s Sulfuryl fluoride

    On March 22, 2004, the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) formally challenged US EPA’s approval of Sulfuryl fluoride for use as a fumigant on a wide variety of foods. EPA identified fluoride as the major toxicological endpoint of concern for exposure to Sulfuryl fluoride. In its Risk Assessment, which served as the basis for approval, EPA […]

  • Apologize for Fluoridation; Don’t Celebrate It, Say Experts

    Fluoridation fails America’s children. But that won’t stop Michigan dentists from rejoicing with a special fluoridation celebration on May 12, 2005 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, home to the first municipality that enrolled its residents, 60 years ago, in a cavity-prevention human experiment, without their informed consent. (1) In 1945, fluoride was added to Grand Rapids’ […]