
  • Evanston: Council considers adding fluoride to city water supply

    Evanston City Council members weighed in on the introductory water fluoridation proposal at the work session on Tuesday, March 8. The special council session to vote on the second reading of Ordinances 16-01 and 16-02, reducing the size of the Planning and Zoning Commission and Board of Adjustments was overshadowed, as local physician Dr. Michael […]

  • Fluoride, the Only Drug Intentionally Added to Your Tap Water

    Following the recent water crisis in Flint, it’s no wonder that the U.S. public has begun to question exactly how safe our drinking water actually is. What was once taken for granted — the idea of safe, pure, drinkable water for everyone — is now in serious question. In addition to the continuing problems with […]

  • Fluoride May Be Toxic for Seniors

    Throughout most of our lives, we hear dentists tell us to use fluoride rinses and to drink tap water because the fluoride in it protects our teeth. When we go to the dentist, at our bi-annual cleanings, we often get a fluoride treatment for this reason. The hygienist also often recommends we purchase a fluoride […]

  • Water Fluoridation Linked to Diabetes and Low IQ

    In the video above, you can watch professor Paul Connett, Ph.D., director of the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), debate professor Mike Berridge, Ph.D., of the Malaghan Institute of Medical Research in New Zealand on the topic of water fluoridation. This debate was 12 years in the making; it’s taken that long to find someone willing […]

  • FAN’s persistence pays off – US Gov’t Funding Neurotoxicity Studies

    There is no doubt that our fantastic FAN supporters like a challenge – especially challenges that promise to double their donations. By Sunday evening we had raised $15,136 from 63 donors.  This response has so impressed our super-angel that he has increased his challenge. All donations over the next two days will be doubled until we have reached $21,000.  To add […]

  • Why We Do It – Part Two

    GREAT NEWS: We had a huge boost to our fundraiser when we learned that we have received a $25,000 donation from a foundation to support our 2017 campaign. Thus our new totals stand at $59,628 from 193 donors. This makes our massive task of raising $150,000 from 1000 donors by midnight Dec 31, a lot less […]

  • Johnstown Editorial: Flush fluoride from the system.

    To hear the opposing sides tell it, fluoridation is a life or death matter. Proponents who spoke at the Greater Johnstown Water Authority public hearing told a story of fluoride as a marvelous health victory for the masses. They compared removing fluoride from the water system to banning vaccinations — an unthinkable catastrophe that will […]

  • Unprecedented Lawsuit Could End Water Fluoridation in US Based on Neurotoxicity Studies

    Story at-a-glance Fluoride Action Network (FAN) is among a coalition of environmental, medical and health groups suing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ban artificial water fluoridation The EPA has been served with a petition that includes more than 2,500 pages of scientific documentation detailing the risks of water fluoridation to human health New […]

  • How Trump’s EPA Just Threatened the Clean Drinking Water of 117 Million Americans

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is responsible for ensuring public water supplies within the United States are safe. And as one of his first executive orders, incoming president Trump promised “crystal clear, clean drinking water.” But the EPA just took an action which would negatively impact the drinking water of more than one-third of all […]

  • What You Need To Know About Tap Water

    Excerpt: Then There’s Fluoride Fluoride is of the most controversial chemicals of our times, and a chemical that is routinely added to municipal water supplies in the U.S. Many scientists believe that it makes an important contribution to dental health, and that is has been proven safe. Others believe its dental value is unproven, and […]