
  • Statement on Fluoridation from Dr. Ian Robb

    In 2003 the Government passed the Water Act to allow water authorities to add fluoride to the public drinking water – fluoridation – if there is a request from statutory health agencies after they have consulted on the issue. In this article I explain why, as a doctor, I advise against fluoridation. Autonomy is the […]

  • Riding the fluoride tiger

    What possible good can come from adding a known poison to our water supply? None at all, argues John Graham Secretary of State for Health Alan Johnson announced in February that the Department of Health (DoH) would, over the next three years, make £42 million available to Strategic Health Authorities in England and Wales for […]

  • The York Review: Friend, Flawed or Fraud?

    I am going to focus here on the York Review and it’s analysis of the health effects of fluoridation. I will leave the discussion of dental decay and fluorosis to another section. As far as health effects are concerned, the York Review badly misrepresented both the scope and the substance of their review. THE YORK […]

  • Fluoride: Can It Do More Harm Than Good?

    MOST of us put our trust in fluoride to help prevent tooth decay. It is a common ingredient in toothpaste and mouthwashes, and several countries, including large parts of the UK, add fluoride to the water supply. Just last month, a study was published which reported that adding fluoride to table salt had reduced dental […]

  • Fairbanks: Fluoride advocate too fast, misses evidence trail

    INTRO by Alaska Report: This opinion essay is part of a developing dialogue about fluoride in public drinking water in Alaska. It was written in response to a guest opinion favoring fluoride that appeared in the Fairbanks Daily New-Miner. However, Kelly Bostian, the paper’s managing editor, rejected this essay, saying his readers didn’t need the […]

  • Des Moines: Fluoride in water draws concern

    Rob Hamilton stood on Court Avenue on Saturday in a crowded Downtown Farmers Market and took on what the Centers for Disease Control calls “one of 10 great achievements in public health of the 20th century.” That would be the introduction of fluoride to public drinking water. “There’s a mountain of scientific information on this,” […]

  • Chemist blasts fluoride

    BENNINGTON – Five years ago, if you asked Dr. Paul Connett about the fluoridation of community water supplies, Connett would’ve told you that he didn’t want or need another issue with which to contend. But now is another story, where Connett vehemently opposes fluoridation because of its negative effects on the human pineal gland, on […]

  • Data Supports both ‘Pro’ and ‘Con’

    BENNINGTON — Go online to Internet search engine, type in “fluoride” and hit the return key. It’s easy. And within seconds the search will locate 261,000 web-sites on fluoride. Which do you trust? Take your pick. Visit “Fluoride: Commie Plot or Capitalist Ploy.” Or maybe “The Importance of Fluoride in Strong Teeth.” They all […]

  • Ithaca’s Fluoridation Debate

    It’s been called everything from one of the top 10 public health advances in the 20th century to a toxic industrial pollutant linked to reductions in IQ and increased likelihood of hip fractures. Now, Ithaca city residents will once again have the chance to decide for themselves whether they want lawmakers to have the ability […]

  • Why Palo Alto Should Stop Fluoridation

    As the daughter of a dentist, I grew up with confidence in fluoride. After bouts with cancer and osteoporosis, however, I learned to scrutinize health claims more closely. When I discovered that our water fluoridation product is not natural calcium fluoride, but rather synthetic, non-toxicologically tested, non-FDA approved, non-pharmaceutical grade sodium fluorosilicate, which carries a […]