
  • Southampton. VIDEO: Demonstrators protest against fluoride in water

    WAVING placards and shouting their slogans, more than a hundred people made their message loud and clear: no to water fluoridation. Demonstrators were gathering outside the Guildhall Square in Southampton this afternoon as part of their long running battle against plans to add the chemical to drinking water in Southampton, Eastleigh, Totton, Netley and Rownhams. […]

  • Southampton. Fluoride in water: the fight to stop it goes on

    Angry anti-fluoride protestors have taken to the streets of Southampton and vowed to step up their fight. Yesterday more than a hundred people made their message loud and clear as they waved placards and shouted ‘no’ to water fluoridation. Demonstrators gathered outside the Guildhall Square in Southampton as part of their long running battle against […]

  • Southampton. Fluoride in water: protesters plan new legal battle

    CAMPAIGNERS against water fluoridation in Hampshire are planning a fresh legal battle in the courts, the Daily Echo can reveal. In the latest salvo of their long running battle, Hampshire Against Fluoridation (HAF) claim they have found a loophole which could block plans to add fluoride to tap water. Despite losing a legal challenge last […]

  • Dunedin: Council opts to drop fluoride level

    The amount of fluoride being added to Dunedin’s drinking water is to be reduced within days, after city councillors opted to play it safe despite lingering doubts over the science behind the debate. The decision, pushed for by Cr Kate Wilson, came despite a warning from council staff, who said the change could result in […]

  • Fluorspar: Tertiary Minerals upbeat as losses widen

    TERTIARY Minerals, the exploration and development company with projects in the US and Scandinavia, has posted a higher interim loss, but says its prospects are positive. The AIM firm, which has its administrative base in Macclesfield, made a loss of £236, 278 in the six months to the end of March, up from £190,469 in […]

  • Portland Uses Science & Integrity to Defeat Fluoridation

    Portland, Oregon — A broad coalition of Portlanders have resoundingly rejected adding fluoridation chemicals to the city’s water supply.  By a 61%  to 39% margin, Portland voters agreed with the positon of most western nations that there are safer, more effective, and less intrusive ways to promote oral health than adding a chemical linked to thyroid disease, […]

  • John Stauber Calls on Portland to Reject Fluoridation

    John Stauber is an American writer and political activist who has co-authored five books about propaganda by governments, private interests and the PR industry. They include one book about how industry manipulates science (Trust Us, We’re Experts). Stauber wrote the following statement in March 2013. I’ve read much of the science behind water fluoridation. I […]

  • EU issues warning to Greece over fluorinated greenhouse gases

    The government has been given two months to comply with EU law Greece will be referred to the EU Court of Justice if it fails to comply with EU laws on fluorinated greenhouse gases, the European Commission said on Thursday. Fluorinated gases (F-gases) are powerful greenhouse gases with a high global warming potential, widely used […]

  • Springville will continue its municipal fluoridation

    The village of Springville Board of Trustees voted to not form a committee to examine the municipal water fluoridation, after each board member and eight community members spoke about the subject, at the May 20 meeting. Mark Maussner, a town of Concord resident, who initially brought the issue to the board, first spoke out against […]

  • Health minister attacks dental health protection

    Fluoridation of community water supplies is under attack by the new health minister, despite its success in Israel in reducing dental caries in children Fluoride is an element naturally present in water, and at specific levels improves dental health. However, fluoridation of community water supplies is under attack by the new health minister, despite its […]