
  • Fluoride: Interview with Thomas Sheridan

    There are times when the official attitude to fluoride seems like a textbook case of psychopathology in action. So says author Thomas Sheridan, who has made a study of institutional psychopaths. Thomas Sheridan worked on Wall Street as a communications and design consultant from 1990 to 1998. The Dubliner was struck by “the lack of […]

  • The science is not “settled” on the benefits of fluoridation of water supplies

    Five years ago I would probably have rolled my eyes at seeing an article or blog on fluoridation and read no further. If you are rolling your eyes right now I understand but please give this one a go. Five years ago I was a passive supporter of fluoridation of drinking water because I accepted […]

  • ‘Putting the next generation of brains in danger’

    The number of chemicals known to be toxic to children’s developing brains has doubled over the last seven years, researchers said. Dr. Philip Landrigan at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York and Dr. Philippe Grandjean from Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, authors of the review published Friday in The Lancet Neurology […]

  • Greenpeace finds waterway pollutants in luxury fashion brands

    * Report challenges luxury brands on environmental standards * No EU rules on sale of textiles containing chemical residues * 20 brands so far signed up to Greenpeace “Detox” campaign Environmental campaign group Greenpeace has found traces of chemicals that can pollute waterways in children’s clothing and shoes made by luxury brands, challenging the sector’s […]

  • Endemic Goitre in the Union of South Africa and Some Neighbouring Territories.

    Authors: Douw G. Steyn, B.Sc., Dr. Med. Vet. (Vienna), D.V.Sc., Professor of Pharmacology, Medical Faculty, University of Pretoria; J. Kieser, Artseksamen (M.D.), former Chief Medical Inspector of Schools, Transvaal Provincial Administration; W.A. Odendaal, D.Sc., Research Officer in Nutrition, Union Department of Nutrition, Pretoria; H. Malherbe, M.A., M.B.Ch.B., Senior Medical Officer, Poliomyelitis Research Foundation, South African […]

  • Is fluoride-induced hyperthyroidism a cause of psychosis among East African immigrants to Scandinavia?

    Background of the hypothesis Asylum seekers and immigrants in Scandinavia are admitted to mental hospitals for psychotic disorders up to ten times more frequently than native Scandinavians [1], [2] and [3]. The high frequency of psychosis among immigrants is usually explained as a result of traumatic experiences in their countries of origin, problems with adapting […]

  • Cytogenetic effects of gaseous fluorides on grain crops

    Introduction The interest in environmental mutagenesis has strengthened considerably following understanding of the broad overlap between mutagens and carcinogens. Also alterations in environmental mutagenicity lead to increases in the mutability of living organisms. Little however is known concerning mutagenic effects of gaseous fluoride, in particular fluorine containing emissions from industrial plants. Previous studies have shown […]

  • Fluoride tooth paste: a cause of perioral dermatitis

    Since its description in 1957 by Frumess and Lewis as a “light-sensitive seborrheid,” perioral dermatitis (PD) has continued to be a perplexing entity. (1) Many causes have been postulated, including sunlight sensitivity, birth control pills, emotional stress, fluorinated steroid creams, Candida albicans, and rosacea. We have gathered clinical and historical data implicating fluoride dentrifices as an important […]

  • Contact dermatitis and stomatitis due to amine fluoride

    Case Report For prevention of dental caries, a 17-year-old boy had intermittently used a gel containing different fluoride compounds over a period of 2 years. In the last 2 months, 1 to 2 days after application, he had developed itchy perioral erythematous papules and plaques, with vesicles of the oral mucosa. The lesions healed within […]

  • United Company RUSAL Plc: Production Results for the Year Ended 31 December 2013

    Regulatory News: Pursuant to Chapter 38 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, the Securities and Futures Commission regulates United Company RUSAL Plc in relation to the listing of its shares on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. The Securities and Futures Commission takes no […]