Tag: Osteoid
Showing 9 of 9:
February 14, 2014
Combined effects of diets with reduced calcium and phosphate and increased fluoride intake on vertebral bone strength and histology in rats
February 12, 2014
Bone mineral structure after six years fluoride treatment investigated by backscattered electron imaging (BSEI) and small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS): a case report
January 30, 2014
Ministry of not-so-funny walks
August 11, 2012
Fluoride’s Effect on Osteoblasts (Bone-Forming Cells)
April 16, 2012
Fluoride Exposure Increases Metabolic Requirement for Calcium & Vitamin D
April 13, 2012
Fluoride & Rickets
April 6, 2012
Fluoride Increases Osteoid Content of Bone
April 5, 2012
Similarities between Skeletal Fluorosis and Renal Osteodystrophy
March 27, 2012