Game-Changing Fluoride Neurotoxicity Study #1: Bashash 2017

In the first game-changing fluoride neurotoxicity study, Bashash (2017) found a link between fluoride in the urine of pregnant women and lower measures of intelligence in their offspring. Click here for detailed information on all four studies:…. This videoclip was taken from a presentation given by FAN Director Paul Connett in Perth, Australia in […]

Bashash 2017 Study: Fluoride Exposure in Utero Linked to Lower IQ in Kids

Above Video: FAN, Paul Connett React to NIH Fluoride In Utero Study See also: • The Study (9-19-17) • FAN Press Release (9-22-17) • FAN Bulletin (9-21-17) • Follow Up ADHD Study (10-10-18) • Clinical Trial giving Fluoride Supplements to Pregnant Women (Oct 2015)   In a study published on September 19, 2017, in the […]

New Study Links Child Neurodevelopmental Deficits to Fluoridated Water in Calgary

A just-released study by University of Calgary researchers found “poorer inhibitory control and cognitive flexibility” in preschool children whose mothers were pregnant during times when the water was fluoridated in Calgary, Canada (Dewey 2023). The authors said their tests measured “executive function deficits [that have been] consistently associated with behavioural and neurodevelopmental disorders such as […]

British Scientist & Study Author Condemns UK Proposal

As the House of Lords in the United Kingdom considers a proposal to mandate fluoridation in the National Health and Care bill, esteemed British scientists are continuing to speak out in opposition. In October, three scientists–Vyvyan Howard, MB, ChB, PhD, Spedding Micklem, PhD, and Paul Connett, PhD–published a public statement to Boris Johnson, ripping apart the […]

Study Shows Fluoride Harms at 0.2 ppm – FAN Lawyer Sends Copy to TSCA Judge

A landmark study by Grandjean et al. has just been published confirming that very low levels of fluoride exposure during pregnancy impairs the brain development of the child, and at a population level may be causing more damage than lead, mercury, or arsenic.  The paper’s authors ultimately concluded that a maternal urine fluoride concentration of 0.2mg/L […]

New Study Finds Fluoride Reduces IQ

New study finds fluoride lowers IQ at exposures similar to artificially fluoridated water and genetics can cause heightened vulnerability The latest epidemiological study finding an association between fluoride exposures and reduced IQ in children was at exposures in the same range as occur in areas with artificial water fluoridation.  The study by Zhao et al (2021), […]

Fluoride exposure and sleep patterns among older adolescents in the United States: a cross-sectional study of NHANES 2015–2016.

Abstract Background Fluoride from environmental sources accumulates preferentially in the pineal gland which produces melatonin, the hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle. However, the effects of fluoride on sleep regulation remain unknown. This population-based study examined whether chronic low-level fluoride exposure is associated with sleep patterns and daytime sleepiness among older adolescents in the United […]