Dear Supporter,

Osteopathic physician, entrepreneur, and strong FAN supporter, Doctor Joseph Mercola published a new article on fluoridation today on his website The article entitled “Drinking Water May be Damaging Your Brain,” is the latest in a large collection of articles by Mercola on the health risks associated with fluoride and water fluoridation.

Read Mercola’s Latest Article 

Even more exciting is the fact that Dr. Mercola has confirmed that he will be presenting at FAN’s Fifth Citizens’ Conference on Fluoride, which will be held this upcoming September 6-8 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Crystal City, Virginia (right outside of Washington, D.C.).

Doctor Mercola won’t be the only expert presenter at the conference. On Saturday, September 6 we will hear from Dr. Quanyong Xiang from the CDC, in China. Xiang performed one of the pivotal IQ studies that were reviewed both by the NRC in 2006 and a team from Harvard in 2012.  We will also hear from confirmed speakers: Paul Connett, Michael Connett, Chris Neurath, Bill Hirzy, and Henry Lickers. On Sunday we will hear from:

       Stuart Cooper (FAN’s campaign manager)

       Rick North (who helped in the successful effort to keep fluoridation out or Portland)

       Charlie Brown, the director of Consumers for Dental Choice. Charlie has performed miracles in the worldwide battle to rid dentistry of mercury amalgams. Hopefully, he can help us do the same for water fluoridation

       Mike Ewall, one of the most effective organizers in the country on waste and energy issues, is now a lawyer and resides in Washington, DC

       Dr. Neil Carman (formerly with the Texas Air Commission and member of the Sierra Club) will tell us some of the things, which are going on in Austin, Texas in their battle to end fluoridation there.

And on Monday, September 8 we will be heading to Washington, D.C. (only minutes away by subway) to hold FAN’s first ever lobby-day on Capitol Hill. 

To register for the conference please fill out the following form:



Stuart Cooper

FAN, Campaign Manager

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