Thanks to all of you who have responded to our call for professionals to sign the “Professionals’ Renewed Call for an End to Water Fluoridation Worldwide” (see PDF version). If you haven’t signed it yet you can do so online HERE. Please sign whether you signed the 2007 statement or not.
1) Use this statement as an excuse to talk to your colleagues about this issue, especially the new science that it is the fetus that is at greatest risk of brain damage from fluoride exposure (Bashash et al, 2017).
2) Send us a short statement explaining how you got involved in this issue and why you want this practice to end.
Below is a list of the renewed statement signers to date. Please note the very wide geographical distribution of the signers, which includes professionals from 14 states in the USA and others from Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Sweden. As soon as we have received the next batch of signers we will let our whole list of supporters know about this statement.
Renewed Professional Statement Signers (as of Nov. 15, 2018)
Rhydonia Holt Anderson, Educational Specialist in Counseling, Retired Family & Consumer Sciences educator, Licensed Professional Counselor/Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Forrest City, AR
James S. Beck MD, PhD (biophysics), Professor Emeritus of Medical Biophysic, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Marc A Beiswanger, LDH. Dental Hygienist, Carmel, IN
Sterling Bocage Jr, Founder of
Michael Breneman, DC, Marysville Washington
Lawrence Brett, BDS, Tutukaka, NZ
Deborah A. Catrow LMT, NMT, Sprinfield, OH
Adriam Q.S. Chang, BS Electrical Engr, USN Nuclear Engr, HI
Keri L. Chang, BS Mechanical Engr, HI
Paul Connett, PhD, Professor Emeritus Chemistry; Director, Fluoride Action Network; Co-author, The Case Against Fluoride (Chelsea Green 2010); Author, Zero Waste (Chelsea Green, 2013).
Donald R. Davis, PhD, Semi-retired nutrition researcher, Magnolia, TX
Retired from:Biochemical Institute The University of Texas Austin, Texas
Carol Field, RN, Port Macquarie, NSW, Australia
Deborah Gillman, Certificate, Dental Hygienist, Halifax, VA
Ronald A. Greinke, PhD Chemistry, Retired Chemist, Medina, Ohio
Björn Hammarskjöld MD, PhD, Assistant professor in pediatrics, Former Chief of Pediatrics, Mora, Sweden
Andrew Harms, BDS, Past President of the Australian Dental Association (SA), Adelaide, Australia
David Roderic Hill MSc, University Professor Emeritus and Consultant, Bowen Island, BC, Canada
Joanne Karpinen, PhD, Clinical Psychologist, East Lansing, MI
Lindsay Keller APRN, MSN, Nurse Practitioner in Florida.
Vernon Kruger BDS, Cambridge NZ
Pamela LeClair, AA, AS, Registered Dental Hygienist, Clearwater, Fl
Jennifer Luke, PhD, Masters in Dentistry, Wretham Lodge, UK
Sherman McCall MD, PhD (Cantab.), COL, MC, USA (Ret.), Molecular Genetic Pathologist, Frederick, MD
Eugene L. Packer, DC, Chiropractor, Easton, MA
John Percival, DDS, MSc (epidemiology), Independent Reearcher, Crestone, CO
James W. Reeves, PhD, Civil Engineering, Retired (formerly Dean of Engineering, Univ. of Louisiana, Lafayette), Lafayette, Louisiana
Gertraud Renner R, BSN (Ret), Loveland CO
John Ryan MBBS, MSc (Nutrition) Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Jean Ryan MSc (Nutrition), Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Jan F. Sallstrom PhD (Physiology), Sweden
Judy Schriebman, Certified Classical Homeopathy (CCH), Homeopath/Writer/Researcher, San Rafael, CA
Margaret Seydel RN, Lismore, NSW Australia
Sheryl Shipman RN, Chippewa Falls WI
Jeffery Skee, PhD, ACSM, ISOM, Health Doctor (HD-PhD) – Retired, Palm Coast, FL
Kristine L. Soly, MD, FACC. Holistic cardiologist, Yarmouth Port, MA
Bruce Spittle MB ChB DPM, FRANZCP, (Retired psychiatrist), Ocean View, Dunedin, NZ
Susan L Stantejsky, MS, Biostatistician, Denver, CO
Eric Turk, PhD (ret. scientist; biochem., molecular biol.), North Hills, CA
Daniel Bjerke Walker, Washington State Municipal Water Treatment Operator “City of Pasco”
Joy Warren BSc. (Hons) Environmental Science, Joint Coordinator, UK Freedom From Fluoride Alliance; Coordinator, West Midlands Against Fluoridation, Coventry, UK
Dr. James Winter, Professor, Graduate Program in Communication and Social Justice, University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada