As we start another week in our important annual fundraiser here are our latest totals.

So far we have raised $10,281 from 62 supporters. This includes a $50 milestone bonus for reaching 50 donors from our Superangel #2. On this front we have another Superangel (#3) willing to continue the milestone bonuses going till we have reached 500 donors. Here are the bonuses which lie ahead:

$100 when we reach 100 donors,

$150 when we reach 150 donors …

and so on for every 50 donor milestone right the way up $500 when we reach 500 donors.

We have added this little bit of fun to the exercise to draw attention to how important the number of supporters is to our cause.

Small foundations are very interested in how many active supporters we have – and the number of donors is the simplest way of providing that information. Please consider adding family members to your donation.

I would also like to remind our supporters that at least $50,000 of our daunting goal of $150,000 is to cover the cost of expert testimony and depositions in our TSCA trial. The judge has made it clear that he wants to see the final report of the National Toxicology Program’s review of fluoride’s neurotoxicity (expected in early 2022) before he makes his ruling, and he anticipates that both sides will call on experts to comment on the final report along with other neurotoxicity studies that have been published in the interim.

So this fundraiser is critical in winning our lawsuit against the EPA. This gets more crucial than ever as fluoridation promoters – who are steadfastly ignoring all the evidence of harm – are misleading communities like Calgary to restart fluoridation and even whole countries (New Zealand and possibly the United Kingdom next) to adopt mandatory fluoridation. It’s a topsy turvey world as science and integrity are tossed out of the window. But FAN is sticking to our integrity and bringing the best science to power wherever we can.

Going forward some more good news – Supeangel #4 has agreed to double all donations up to the next $1000. We are literally being lifted along on angel’s wings. We are blessed to have them and we are blessed to have all of you who have worked on this cause so tirelessly for so many years. Thank you is simply not enough for all you do.

How to Make a Tax-Deductible Donation:

  • Online, using our secure server.
  • Or by Check, payable to the Fluoride Action Network. Mail your check to:

    Fluoride Action Network
    c/o Connett
    105 Kingston Road
    Exeter, NH 03833

Thank you,

Paul Connett, PhD
Fluoride Action Network

See all FAN bulletins online