GREAT NEWS: We had a huge boost to our fundraiser when we learned that we have received a $25,000 donation from a foundation to support our 2017 campaign. Thus our new totals stand at $59,628 from 193 donors. This makes our massive task of raising $150,000 from 1000 donors by midnight Dec 31, a lot less formidable.
Thanks to an ongoing challenge from one of our super angels all pledges are being doubled until we reach $64,000.
Also, we need just another 7 donations (any amount) to trigger another $1,000 for reaching 200 donors. And donor number 200 will receive a free signed (by co-author Paul Connett) copy of The Case Against Fluoride (Chelsea Green, 2010).
To make a tax-deductible donation to the Fluoride Action Network, a project of the American Environmental Health Studies Project, you can either:
- Donate online using our secure server. If you should experience difficulty in donating at our secure server, please call Network For Good at 1-888-284-7978 and press option 3 to make your donation over the phone.
- Or by check – please make checks payable to Fluoride Action Network and send to: FAN, c/o Connett, 104 Walnut Street, Binghamton NY 13905
Remember the NUMBER of donors is CRUCIAL to us. Foundations know it is easy to like a Facebook page, a member is someone who puts money (even a little) into the cause they believe in. That’s why starting today every donation from the USA (I am afraid overseas post costs are incredibly high) can receive a premium
PREMIUMS: See the exciting premiums we have available (with photos!) here.
For donations between $1 and $9 (send a check by mail as our online server will not accept any donation under $10). We have bumper stickers, posters, fabulous coffee mugs, T-shirts, books and DVDs. Please communicate with Ellen if you want a special order (eg, 100 or more bumper stickers, posters, etc.) at
If you have already made a donation, we will send you one or more bumper stickers — just email us tell us how many you want at
Remember the NUMBER of donors is CRUCIAL to us. Foundations know it is easy to like a Facebook page but a member, in their eyes, is someone who puts money (however small) into the cause they believe in.
Daniel Stockin, MPH, of the Lillie Center for Energy and Health Studies in Georgia:
“What keeps me going in this work to end fluoridation? I guess it’s the inner knowing I’ve had, right from the beginning of my involvement 12 years ago, that I can make a difference. Everybody can make a difference, but to do so, sometimes one has to pay a price that is not particularly convenient or enjoyable. The goal is worth the effort, though, and our success is certain if we do what Dr. Lillie, who inspired me in so many ways, said to do: Approach the task with a made-up-mind and an attitude that, “I’m not giving up, I’m not giving out, and I’m not giving in.”
Next is FAN’s Outreach and Education Director, Jay Sanders:
“One of the most rewarding and challenging experiences in my life centers on my advocacy of clean water. It’s quite empowering to connect with like-minded activists that are striving to effect meaningful change in local communities. I’m drawn to this issue because I see that ending water fluoridation is an actionable and realizable goal, and I fight for more equitable water policies because I believe that every individual and every community should be given the chance to thrive on its own terms.”
Rick North was one of the leading campaigners in defeating fluoridation proposals in Portland and Newport, Oregon:
“Why do I do this? I thought fluoridation was fine until about eight years ago, a friend asked me to look at the science. When I did, especially the National Academy of Sciences 2006 report Fluoride in Drinking Water, I was amazed at how many health risks were cited. And when I actually thought about it, putting a drug – ANY drug – into the drinking water is highly dangerous, unethical, and just doesn’t make any sense. It really wasn’t difficult to change my mind.
Why do I continue? Part of it is anger that fluoridation persists even with all the science against it – and more and more scientific studies reinforce this point every year. Part of it is personal – I know a number of people, such as hypothyroid and chemical sensitivity patients, whose health is put at risk. And part of it is the very well-documented fear that we could be diminishing the intelligence of millions of kids who drink fluoridated water.
Through my past work with the American Cancer Society, Northwest Earth Institute and Physicians for Social Responsibility, I’ve had the privilege of working with leading medical and scientific professionals all over the country. I still do. Most fluoridation information can be understood by an average high school student, but for more technical data, these professionals have been very willing to help me sift through “my science vs. your science” arguments. Everyone I’ve met and everything I’ve done in my life working in science-based nonprofits has helped prepare me for this work.
I’m lucky. I’ve been given good health, a great family and wonderful friends and colleagues. It feels good to be able to give something back. Sure, the work can be frustrating, an uphill battle against very powerful forces. But as Jim Hightower said, “Even the smallest dog can lift his leg on the tallest building!”
And one more quote I’ve always loved from Frances Moore Lappe: “Every choice we make can be a celebration of the world we want.” I choose this work because I look forward to celebrating a world free from fluoridation.”
Merilyn Haines, Director, FAN-Australia:
“Perversely, part of it is the vilification, demonization, intimidation and bullying – the attacking the messenger, not the message, playing the man (or woman) not the ball, is one the reasons that keep me going. It confirms all the time – that bullying is really all they have. If they had the science they would use that to defend fluoridation – but they haven’t, so they have to descend to tactics of ad hominin attacks. Also, the corruption at high places – a very good example being Australia’s NHMRC recent report where 10 (yes 10 fluoridation lobbyists / supporters) were on the committee that “guided” it’s most recent review. A review that had glaring omissions and errors – such as claiming the NZ IQ study led by NZ dentist fluoridation lobbyist Jonathon Broadbent was very high quality, when in reality this study had holes big enough to drive a truck through. When you see this, you know that their whole case is extremely poor and it will eventually fall.
On the flip side, the integrity, intelligence and steadfastness of wonderful people like the Connett family and so many others like Hardy Limeback, Chris Neurath, Mary Byrne and so many more. These people truly inspire me and keep me going. There have been some very low times fighting forced fluoridation, but I have also met, made friends with and had the privilege of working with some truly incredible people along the way. It is worth it and we can all hold our heads high.”
Dawna Gallagher-Stroeh, Executive Director of Clean Water Sonoma-Marin in California:
“For as long as I can remember, I have been a fighter for justice. I do not like bullies. My grandfather used to say “if you see something so clearly wrong-then work to make it right.” I want my life to be well used to educate and help people. I kid my friends, “it’s a character flaw!” So many people seem afraid to confront the truth. I am not and I am still standing. We have stopped the push for fluoridation in Sonoma county and now we must stop it in California.”
Gilles Parent, ND, a naturapath from Quebec and author of two books on fluoridation:
“After reading many articles in Prevention Magazine I decided in 1971, while doing my studies in naturopathy to investigate deeper into the fluoridation issue finally up to the point to choose the subject for my thesis in naturopathy. From a scientific point of view, I felt the practice was nonsensical: administering a substance for a therapeutic purpose without controlling the administrated dose, without knowing the patient, his needs, his intake of fluoride from many other sources, his state of health, his diet, his environment and without his consent, to me contravened all medical principles, ethics and logic. I could just keep my search silent and as there was nothing valuable pushed in French, I decided to write a book from my thesis that was published in 1975, «L’inconséquence de la fluoration». By simple coincidence my book came out just as the Quebec Government started to plan to promote fluoridation. My opposition was further reinforced when Quebec passed a law in 1976 making fluoridation compulsory for the whole of Quebec. The coercive nature of this unscientific measure made me angry and the fact that the measure coincided with the publication with my first book on the subject forced me to become actively involved in fighting it. I have been fighting this practice ever since: I helped to repeal the compulsory law, and a new one substituted in 2002. This public health law lifted the mandatory requirement but promised to cover all expenses for installing fluoridation in a municipality. With the help of a team, we have worked hard to persuade most communities in Quebec to stop fluoridation. There are only 5 municipalities left with fluoridation in Quebec, reaching only about 2.5% of the population. I now find myself helping communities to fight fluoridation in other Canadian provinces and beyond. Because I have learned so much on this issue – much of it contradicting what the government tells the people – I feel it is my duty to disseminate this knowledge in order to protect the health of others and our environment. Knowing what I know how could I live with myself if I didn’t?
PS–3 weeks ago we won a 6 year uphill battle against the re-installation of fluoridation in Three-Rivers. When you win battles like this it makes all the effort worthwhile.”
Angela Hair, prior to her medical problems, was leading the campaign to stop fluoridation in Hastings, NZ. Hastings was the first community to be fluoridated in NZ as part of the Hastings- Napier (1954-64) study that is now known to have been fraudulent.
“Thank you for all the work you do to get rid of fluoridation. I continue to work against fluoridation because it is so enmeshed in the nuclear industry and I truly want a world without nuclear power or nuclear weapons. The enrichment of uranium couldn’t happen without fluoride. The nuclear industry and fluoridation contribute to cancer all over the world. On Monday I will be having a second surgery to fix the hydrocephalus I have from a pineal tumour that I have probably had since I was a child. My medical doctors, in good faith, advised my mother to give me fluoride tablets every day from the age of 5 months. My body stored the fluoride in my pineal gland and now I am challenged with detoxifying myself and healing myself. I will make a contribution to NZ fund. Hopefully 2017 will see the end of this stupid ‘treatment’.”
Paul Connett, PhD
Member of FAN’s Fundraising Team for 2016