Shocking news from Ontario
A move is afoot to introduce mandatory water fluoridation into Ontario, Canada’s largest province. This would reverse years and years of dedicated efforts by citizens to get fluoridation out of many cities in Ontario. Before we get to details of this shocking development here is an update on our fundraiser.
Fun and Fundraiser update
Yesterday was another good day and we thank you for your generosity. We raised $1,739 from 14 donors. This was doubled with Dr. Mercola’s very generous matching pledge (which continues up to a total of $25,000) thus adding $3,478 to our running total. That has now reached $43,264 from 227 donors.
Don’t forget that any donation you make up until we reach $86,000 will be doubled by Dr. Mercola!
We need everyone’s help to reach our goal of $150,000 from 1,000 donors by midnight Dec 31. Just a small amount from each of the 55,000 people on our mailing lists would do the trick.
To make a tax-deductible donation you can either:
- Donate online using our secure server.
- Or by check – please make checks payable to Fluoride Action Network and send to:
FAN, 104 Walnut Street, Binghamton NY 13905
You can also choose one of the several premiums available at different donation levels.
A deal you can’t refuse!
We have just made an exciting premium even more exciting. We have already offered the deck of playing cards that spell out the 50 (actually 52) reasons to end fluoridation for $99. Now we are making this premium even more exciting by offering 4 of these packs for donation of just $104. So if you want a collector’s item you can opt for one pack for $99, but if you want to give them away as holiday or party gifts (and spread the word and have fun doing it) you can get three more packs for just another $5!
After you read today’s shocking news Canadians might want to send some of these packs to the Ontario provincial legislators!
The shocking news from Ontario
Today Liesa Ciancillo sent us news of this petition being introduced by Bob Delaney MPP (Member of the Provincial Parliament) into the Ontario legislature. Here is an excerpt (the full text is below):
WE the undersigned, petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario as follows:
THATthe Ministries of the Government of Ontario amend all applicable legislation and regulations to make the fluoridation of municipal drinking water mandatory in all municipal water systems across the Province of Ontario.
Petition to the Ontario Legislative Assembly
Fluoridate All Ontario Drinking Water
WHEREAS fluoride is a mineral that exists naturally in virtually all water supplies, even the ocean, and
WHEREAS scientific studies conducted during the past 70 years have consistently shown that the fluoridation of community water supplies is a safe and effective means of preventing dental decay, and is a public health measure endorsed by more than 90 national and international health organizations, and
WHEREAS dental decay is the second-most frequent condition suffered by children, and is one of the leading causes of absences from school, and
WHEREAS Health Canada has determined that the optimal concentration of fluoride in municipal drinking water for dental health is 0.7 mg/L, a concentration providing optimal dental health benefits, and well below the maximum acceptable concentration to protect against adverse health effects, and
WHEREAS the decision to add fluoride to municipal drinking water is a patchwork of individual choices across Ontario, with municipal councils often vulnerable to the influence of misinformation, and studies of questionable or no scientific merit,
WE the undersigned, petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario as follows:
THAT the Ministries of the Government of Ontario amend all applicable legislation and regulations to make the fluoridation of municipal drinking water mandatory in all municipal water systems across the Province of Ontario. (Reference: scroll down at this site)
It is hard to believe that the intelligent citizens of Ontario (including some of the most active and well-informed activists on this issue anywhere in the world) will allow this outrageous move to pass through the Ontario legislative assembly but we can’t afford to be complacent. Every fluoridation opponent living in Ontario needs to write or phone their MPP today and tell them not to be duped by this propaganda posing as science. More than anything they must be urged to exercise due diligence and see what the real science shows about the lack of effectiveness of swallowing fluoride and the real dangers swallowing fluoride poses especially to babies and young children.
See: List of Ontario Communities That Have Ended Fluoridation
Meanwhile, this development adds even greater urgency to get the Peel case into court and show that the pro-fluoridation “experts” when questioned under oath will not to be able to justify their exaggerated claims about benefits or provide convincing science which would dismiss the growing evidence of harm, especially the large body of evidence that fluoride is neurotoxic and there is no margin of safety to protect all children drinking fluoridated water with 0.7 ppm fluoride from lowered IQ.
Note 0.7 ppm fluoride is not “well below the maximum acceptable concentration to protect against adverse health effects” (as claimed in the petition). For example, Xiang et al (2003) found that IQ was lowered at 1.26 ppm fluoride. So there is no margin of safety here when you remember that some Canadian children drink a lot of water and are getting fluoride from sources which the children in the Xiang study were not getting; in rural Chinese villages not many children use fluoridated toothpaste and most are breast-fed not bottle-fed.
Meanwhile, someone needs to tell Bob Delaney that he is behaving very irresponsibly with this initiative. It is utterly arrogant of him to attempt to force this medical treatment on millions of citizens without their informed consent. Nor is the future of Ontario children’s mental development a game to be carried out on behalf of the dental lobby. With all due respect to dentists they may know a lot about teeth but very few have any training in neurotoxicity or health risk assessment and accepting their judgment in the matter of fluoridation’s safety is reckless.
Such irresponsible political leadership prepared to strike at any moment on behalf of the whims of the dental lobby underlines the importance of educating our citizenry on the scientific details of this issue. Education is what FAN is all about and that is why we need your financial support. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today.
Paul Connett, PhD
Executive Director of FAN,
co-author, The Case Against Fluoride (Chelsea Green, 2010)
See all FAN bulletins