As of today the Fluoride Action Network has raised a total of $95,810 from 406 donors. Are we confronting an impossible task of raising over $100,000 from 600 donors to reach our targets of $200,000 from 1000 donors by midnight Dec 31? It is going to be extremely difficult but with your help – and the help of three super angels – we are going to give it our best shot.

  • Our first super angel pledges to double the next $1,500 donated.
  • Our second super angel will donate $2,000 when we reach 500 donors.
  • Our third super angel will donate $3,000 when we reach $100,000.

We hope to do this with some large contributions. Note if you are interested in tax deductions you have just 4 days to give to FAN rather than Uncle Sam! We also need a lot of small donations. If 1/7 of the total number of those who have liked us on Facebook were to contribute $10 each we would reach our target.

Please consider a recurring (monthly, quarterly) donation. This spreads out the pain. $5 a month is worth $60; $10 a month is worth $120. These recurring donations also add a solid rock on which we can build each year.

We want to thank all of you who have donated so generously up to this point and for everything else you are doing to help end the unethical and reckless practice of water fluoridation.

(See donation details below)

Now over to Michael to explain some of the things he is planning for 2016.

Paul Connett, PhD
Coordinator of FAN’s 2015 Fundraising campaign

Our Plans for 2016

So, what does Fluoride Action Network have in store for 2016? As FAN’s new Executive Director, let me take a second to spell out some of the projects we have in mind for the next year.

Cutting-Edge Investigative Work: FAN has the researchers and experience that enable us to provide the best, most up-to-date, cutting-edge information on fluoride. The American Dental Association (ADA) may have the money, but we have the scoop.  The ADA wants to hide the truth: we want to reveal it. As Executive Director, I intend to significantly expand FAN’s investigative work, which we’ll be actively pitching to media outlets as well as publishing in our own feature reports. There are lots of stories that remain untold; data that remains unknown; questions that remain unasked. FAN’s investigative work will shine a spotlight on important areas of the fluoride issue that remain poorly understood. In the process, we will be creating the news, rather than simply responding to it.

Exposing Corporate Bad Actors: In 2016, FAN will be launching a campaign to expose the widespread fluoride hazards that have been created by the reckless actions of several major corporations. This campaign will exert much needed pressure on these corporations to change their behavior, and — in the process — will create fruitful media opportunities for raising awareness about the many sources of fluoride which millions of Americans are now exposed to on a daily basis.

Pushing for a Federally-Enforceable Safe Drinking Water Standard: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is in the process of revising its safe drinking water standard for fluoride. If EPA does its job and implements a standard that protects against known and “reasonably anticipated” adverse health effects, it will need to set a standard that protects against fluoride’s neurotoxicity which would spell the end to water fluoridation. FAN will be working closely with former EPA scientist Dr. Bill Hirzy to make sure that EPA does its job.

Raising Awareness About Safer Alternatives: FAN will be teaming up with Dr. Valerie Kanter, a dentist (endodontist) in Los Angeles, California to help raise public awareness about safer ways of preventing tooth decay than mass fluoridation of our water with a neurotoxin.

Greater Social Media Visibility: To help increase the public visibility of our investigative and campaigning work, we will be working to expand FAN’s presence on social media, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We have hired the services of Phone2Action to help us in this effort, and I expect this will help to significantly expand the reach of our work.

Videos & Podcasts: In 2016, FAN will be creating a series of short videos to help us get the fluoride message out to new audiences. We will be posting our first new videos this week, so stay tuned! I am particularly eager to create videos that show the human side of fluoride toxicity by featuring people who have had their own health impaired by fluoride exposure.  If you would be willing to share your story, please email me at In addition to producing new videos, I am also considering the possibility of running a regular audio podcast, where I will discuss the latest news, research, and answer FAN member questions.

Website Upgrades: Yes, the time has come to polish up FAN’s website, and I have already begun working with a web programmer to do just that. The first project will be to make FAN’s website more compatible with mobile devices, iPads and smart phones. After we complete this (which I expect will be within the next few weeks), we will be adding some new features to the site and sprucing up the design. If there are any issues with the website that you think we need to address, please email me at

FAN Conference in Washington DC: We have found that FAN conferences are very popular with our supporters. By meeting other people working on the issue around the country and world, the conferences provide a great morale boost for all of us, local campaigners and FAN staff alike. This year, we hope to once again host the conference in Washington D.C. in September. More details to come.

As those who know me know, I have a passion for unearthing information and for bringing truth to power. Whether it be translating new fluoride toxicity studies from Chinese and Russian medical journals, obtaining internal correspondence under the Freedom of Information Act, or scouring the National Archives for documents that shed light on the politics of fluoridation, I will be bringing this passion to bear over the coming year. And I couldn’t ask for a better partner in this effort than Chris Neurath, who I’ve had the pleasure of working with on the fluoride issue for the past 15 years.

I take this vocation seriously — it is not a job to me, it is a mission, a life journey. Over the next year, you can count on FAN to provide you the most up-to-date, original, and reliable information on fluoride, and in ways that will help us break through to larger audiences than ever before.


Michael Connett, Esq.
Executive Director
Fluoride Action Network

To make a tax-deductible donation to the Fluoride Action Network, a project of the American Environmental Health Studies Project, you can either:

  • Donate online using our secure server.  If you should experience difficulty in donating at our secure server, please call Network For Good at 1-888-284-7978 and press option 3 to make your donation over the phone.
  • Or by check – please make checks payable to Fluoride Action Network and send to: FAN, c/o Connett, 104 Walnut Street, Binghamton NY 13905

See the many GIFTS available for your donation!

See all FAN bulletins online