FAN needs five things to win our TSCA lawsuit
1. We need to prove in court that neurotoxicity is a hazard of fluoride exposure.
2. We need to prove in court that this hazard is a risk at the doses ingested in fluoridated areas.
3. We need to prove in court this risk is unreasonable.
We know we have the science to do 1,2 and 3…
but we need two more things:
4. We need to find the best scientific experts to prove our case.
5. We need to raise the money to pay for those experts.
So bottom line, we need as many of our supporters as possible to contribute a little (or more if you can afford to do so) to FAN’s legal fund. If we can raise $75,000 by May 31, this will be tripled by two donors, one individual and one group, to $225,000.
So far, we have raised $16,307 from 109 donors.
This is the best chance we have ever had to end water fluoridation in the USA and worldwide.
Will you please be part of our most important fundraiser ever?
We need you to be part of our winning team.
All donations are tax-exempt as Fluoride Action Network is a project of the American Environmental Health Studies Project, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit and will go into a designated fund.
You can donate in one of two ways:
- Online at our secure server.
• By check, payable to the Fluoride Action Network. Send your check to:Fluoride Action Network
c/o Connett
104 Walnut Street
Binghamton NY 13905
Please stay tuned.
Paul and Ellen Connett for the FAN fundraising Team
*You can see more details of our scientific case in the videotaped presentation given to the FAN conference (Sept 17-18, 2017) by our lead lawyer Michael Connett, JD. Please note that the day after Michael gave this presentation (Sept 19, 2017) the 12-year US funded study, which found a very strong correlation between pre-natal exposure to fluoride and lowered IQ in children (Bashash et al, 2017 ) was published. This study greatly strengthened our already very strong case.
The Plaintiffs:
The Fluoride Action Network (FAN), Food and Water Watch, MOMS Against Fluoridation, the Organic Consumers Association, the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT), and the American Academy of Environmental Medicine.
• The full TSCA petition can be accessed here
• A shorter 8-page summary
• Follow the news reports here
• The Documents submitted into the court record
* The Timeline of the Lawsuit
• The first press release