I have just received a fascinating piece of snail mail from June Allen, who with her husband Dr. Phillip Allen, runs a group called Enviro-Health Concerns. She has pulled out some quotes which point to a possible connection between melatonin levels and breast cancer, and ties this back to the important work of Dr. Jennifer Luke and the impact of fluoride on the pineal gland.
Paul Connett.
Compiled by June Allen, M.Ed
1) “Reports in the American Journal of Epidemiology, the American Journal of Public Health, and elsewhere suggest that exposure to near-constant bright artifical light at night may increase risks of breast cancer by inhibiting the pineal gland’s secretion of melatonin, a hormone that in turn inhibits estrogen production. Other suggestive evidence comes from a 1991 study in Epidemiology, in which blind women were found to have relatively low rates of breast cancer, presumably due to their high melatonin levels…” (page 226, THE BREAST CANCER PREVENTION PROGRAM, by Samuel S. Epstein and David Steinman)
2) ” melatonin (is) a hormone secreted by the pineal gland, a small pine-cone shaped body in the brain that helps regulate the monthly menstrual cycle…Dr. (Michael) Cohen speculates that unlike estrogen, melatonin stops the monthly buildup of specialized cells in the breast that will produce milk if a woman becomes pregant. These cells often stay clumped together in the breast after ovulation even if conception does not occur, and Cohen thinks that they may go on to become the nucleus of a breast tumor…” (page 179, ESTROGEN AND BREAST CANCER by Carol Rinzler)
3) “Researchers at Battell Pacific Northwest Laboratory…have shown that electromagnetic fields suppress levels of melatonin…Low levels of melatonin have been linked to breast cancer as well as prostate cancer. Animal studies showing that exposure to electromagnetic fields lower melatonin levels have been repeated and corrobarated in multiple centers throughout North America…” (pages 176-7, BREAST HEALTH by Charles B. Simone, M.D.)
4) “Higher rates of breast cancer in women in industrialized societies is, in part, due to electromagnetic fields and also the use of electric lights at night, which decreases melatonin that otherwise would decrease breast carcinogenesis.” (pages 176-7, BREAST HEALTH by Charles B. Simone, M.D.)
5) “Fluoride concentrates in the pineal gland and significantly reduces melatonin production …(Dr. Jennifer Luke reports) analysis of the pineal glands extracted from human cadavers indicate a huge concentration of fluoride in the calcified deposits…Luke examined the impact of fluoride exposure on melatonin production in Mongolian gerbils ( and) found a significant decrease in melatonin production in both females and males and a corresponding earlier onset of puberty…” (WASTE NOT # 434 Edited by Ellen and Dr. Paul Connett.)
June Allen concludes by pointing out that, “Although Dr. Luke was not researching breast cancer, her subject, early puberty, is related to breast cancer–described by Cornell scientists as an “established risk factor for breast cancer…influencing a woman’s lifetime estrogen exposure.”