Supply chain issues blamed for delay in Calgary fluoride reintroduction.

Last year city council voted in favour of putting fluoride back into Calgarians’ drinking water following a plebiscite question in the municipal election. While work was expected to take up to two years, city officials say the timeline has been extended to spring 2024 to factor in supply chain issues. As Tracy Nagai reports, those […]

Guest column: EPA has lost its way.

It has been more than 20 years since I worked as a senior attorney at the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), using my legal training to help enforce the Clean Water Act and advise agency managers on a range of hazardous waste issues. When I joined the regulatory agency in 1992, I felt my work […]

Countless reports show water is undrinkable in many Indigenous communities. Why has nothing changed?

Tap water in more than 500 remote Indigenous communities isn’t regularly tested and often isn’t safe to drink, according to a water industry report released last week. In some communities, drinking water contained unacceptable levels of uranium, arsenic, fluoride and nitrate. While these findings are dire, they aren’t news to us. There have been myriad […]

The “Catfish study” in Cumbria, UK.

Credit: National Institute for Health Research Fluoridation of the water supply may confer a modest benefit to the dental health of children, a seven-year-study led by University of Manchester researchers has concluded. However, the benefits are smaller than shown in previous studies—carried out 50 years ago—when fluoride toothpaste was less widely available in the U.K. […]

Plain English Summary of the 2022 Catfish Study in Cumbria

Evaluation of water fluoridation scheme in Cumbria: the CATFISH prospective longitudinal cohort study. Plain English Summary of the 2022 study: Tooth decay is the most common disease of childhood, and tooth extraction due to decay is the main reason why children have a general anaesthetic in hospital. It is known that fluoride can prevent tooth […]

Water fluoridation not enough to shrink dental health inequalities, study finds.

Water fluoridation provides a modest benefit for children’s teeth in an era of fluoride toothpastes, but does not shrink inequalities in dental health between rich and poor communities, research has revealed. Fluoride, a naturally occurring mineral, has been added to drinking water for decades in areas where natural levels are low in a bid to […]

Fluoride in water is of limited benefit because improvements in toothpastes have reduced the positive effects, study suggests.

Adding fluoride to water supplies delivers only a modest benefit to the dental health of children, a new study suggests. The mineral strengthens tooth enamel but, due to improvements in toothpastes over the past 50 years, the boost to oral health of adding it to water has been largely reduced, the study by Manchester and […]

Letter: Toxic metal exposure can be harmful

Dr. Aaron Bernstein, the chair of American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Environmental Health and Climate Change and a pediatrician at Boston Children’s Hospital says that “… exposure [of heavy metals] from all sources should be minimized. Toxic metal exposure can be harmful to the developing brain. It’s been linked to problems with learning, cognition […]

After A Two Year Delay, Federal Judge Says Fluoride Lawsuit May Continue

U.S. District Court Judge Edward Chen has ended a two year stay on a historic lawsuit seeking to end water fluoridation in the United States. Judge Chen also ruled that a long-delayed study of fluoride by the National Toxicology Program (NTP) could be reviewed in its unpublished form to better inform the judges final decision. […]

Fluoride to remain in public drinking water supply.

Voters in Boothbay, Boothbay Harbor and Southport approved the Special Election vote to keep the public drinking water supply fluoridated by a difference of 338 votes in the combined total on Nov. 8. The vote counts were: Boothbay – yes – 996, no – 957; Boothbay Harbor – yes – 713, no – 503; and […]