Letter: No good reason to add fluoride to Alpena water

When was the last time you read the label on your toothpaste tube and the warning: DO NOT SWALLOW. Do you know why? Fluoride is a toxic chemical! If swallowed in large amounts at one time, you should go to the emergency room immediately. Unfortunately, small amounts of fluoride swallowed over a long period of […]

Wellington Fluoride Glitch Raises Council Concerns

A construction issue that stopped the fluoridation of Wellington’s municipal water system over the past two years will be rectified soon, but Wellington Village Council members are not happy with the fact that they and the general public were not informed of the change. “For me, the most important thing is being transparent with our […]

Water fluoridation in Scotland?

On 23 September 2021, the four UK Chief Medical Officers (CMOs) stated ‘there is strong scientific evidence that water fluoridation is an effective public health intervention for reducing the prevalence of tooth decay and improving dental health equality across the UK’.1 Water fluoridation started in the USA in 1945 and is currently practised in about […]

Letter: Thankful for fluoride fighter

To the editor: Thank you to the Gloucester Daily Times for featuring Karen Favazza Spencer’s My View column, “Stop Poisoning Gloucester,” in the Aug. 4, opinion section. Gloucester, all of Cape Ann and beyond, owes a huge debt of thanks to her for so clearly detailing a science-based presentation on the dangers of fluoride in […]

Dubbo residents shocked to discover no fluoride has been added to water for years

Residents of an inland city have been shocked to learn their drinking water has not had fluoride added to it for three-and-half years. Key points: Dubbo Regional Council has revealed there has been no fluoride added to the city’s water supply since January 2019 The equipment failed and the council hopes to have the new […]

Far North wants to delay fluoridation despite abysmal tooth decay figures

Te Tai Tokerau children finishing primary school have the worst tooth decay in the country. But the Far North mayor says the new compulsory fluoridation order is mystifying him and happening too fast – and he still did not know how his council would pay for it. Northland has the worst tooth decay in the […]

Te Awamutu: Fluoride twist

The Te Awamutu Community Board has passed a motion that recommends a health warning be added to water rates, to warn ratepayers of fluoride. Board member Kane Titchener presented the motion to the board at their monthly meeting, on Tuesday – and it was passed on chair Ange Holt’s casting vote. Kane Titchener, left, at […]

Grand Rapids Was the First U.S. City to Add Fluoride To Its Water

Note from Fluoride Action Network: This article is outdated as it doesn’t present information on the • US Government studies on fluoride’s neurotoxicity • The 76 Fluoride IQ studies Because of the lack of sharing this important information with its readers, we add this article to our misinformation category. (EC Fluoride has been a part […]

The Use of Fluorides in Public Health: 65 Years of History and Challenges from Brazil.

Abstract Untreated dental caries is the most common disease globally and fluoride use at the population level is crucial for its control. To investigate the economic and political conditions under which the trajectory of population-based fluoride use has occurred is key for a more comprehensive view on its current and future challenges. The objective was […]

Arsenic and fluoride contamination in drinking water

Note from FAN: Ministry of Jal Shakti  (lit. ‘water power/strength/capabilities’) is a ministry under Government of India which was formed in May 2019 under the second Modi ministry. This was formed by merging of two ministries; Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation and Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation. Ref: Wikipedia Drinking […]