The most recent data on fluoridation statistics, online July 7, 2023.

These statistics were prepared using water system data reported by states to the CDC Water Fluoridation Reporting System as of December 31, 2020, by the US Census Bureau state population estimates for April 2020, and by population estimates served by public water supply as of 2015, as published by the US Geological Survey June 19, 2018.

2020 National Water Fluoridation Statistics

Total US population, personsa 331,501,080
US population on community water systems (CWS), personsb,c 287,798,584
Total US population on fluoridated drinking water systems, personsb,c 209,145,650
Percentage of US population receiving fluoridated waterc,d 62.9%
Percentage of US population on CWS receiving fluoridated waterc,e 72.7%
Total number of CWS providing fluoridated waterb 51,373
Number of CWS providing fluoridated waterb 17,558
Number of CWS adjusting fluorideb 5,728
Number of CWS consecutive to systems with optimal fluoride levelsb 5,696
Number of CWS with naturally occurring fluoride at or above optimal levelsb 5,636
Population served by CWS with naturally occurring fluoride at or above optimal levelsb,c 11,578,079

2020 State Fluoridation Percentage Calculations and States Ranked by Fluoridation Percentage

State Persons Receiving Fluoridated Waterc Persons Served by CWSc % Population Served by CWS Receiving Fluoridated Water Rankf
US 209,145,650 287,798,584 72.7%
Alabama 3,469,133 4,467,001 77.7% 24
Alaska 229,789 545,179 42.1% 45
Arizona 4,011,354 6,948,635 57.7% 39
Arkansas 2,458,935 2,866,138 85.8% 20
California 21,879,582 38,051,212 57.5% 40
Colorado 4,123,671 5,480,628 75.2% 28
Connecticut 2,473,983 2,736,539 90.4% 14
Delaware 609,473 801,422 76% 27
District of Columbia 690,093 690,093 100.0% 1
Florida 14,886,493 18,952,021 78.5% 23
Georgia 8,671,136 9,135,654 94.9% 7
Hawaii 119,044 1,394,816 8.5% 51
Idaho 441,664 1,405,388 31.4% 47
Illinois 11,457,094 11,640,823 98.4% 4
Indiana 4,683,083 5,066,252 92.4% 11
Iowa 2,409,673 2,684,404 89.8% 15
Kansas 1,820,664 2,785,355 65.4% 34
Kentucky 4,050,483 4,055,441 99.9% 2
Louisiana 1,582,811 4,161,676 38% 46
Maine 544,916 685,410 79.5% 22
Maryland 4,410,410 4,709,311 93.7% 9
Massachusetts 3,691,328 6,385,621 57.8% 38
Michigan 6,385,621 7,432,372 89.3% 16
Minnesota 4,432,008 4,483,603 98.8% 3
Mississippi 1,542,928 2,527,257 61.1% 36
Missouri 3,843,523 5,323,578 72.2% 30
Montana 240,294 765,861 31.4% 48
Nebraska 1,317,170 1,784,114 73.8% 29
Nevada 2,220,915 2,906,645 76.4% 26
New Hampshire 398,698 863,017 46.2% 44
New Jersey 1,333,544 8,279,024 16.1% 50
New Mexico 1,398,194 1,820,853 76.8% 25
New York 12,596,165 17,610,152 71.5% 31
North Carolina 6,985,222 7,950,174 87.9% 18
North Dakota 705,703 731,260 96.5% 5
Ohio 9,177,890 9,901,174 92.7% 10
Oklahoma 2,447,980 3,600,546 68% 33
Oregon 944,045 3,576,686 26.4% 49
Pennsylvania 5,680,881 9,468,135 60% 37
Rhode Island 809,308 979,110 82.7% 21
South Carolina 3,567,836 3,891,342 91.7% 12
South Dakota 710,136 757,461 93.8% 8
Tennessee 5,592,155 6,296,831 88.8% 17
Texas 19,743,163 27,818,869 71% 32
Utah 1,637,472 3,214,451 50.9% 43
Vermont 221,018 392,292 56.3% 41
Virginia 6,713,205 7,027,639 95.5% 6
Washington 4,304,476 6,616,621 65.1% 35
West Virginia 1,277,174 1,409,744 90.9% 13
Wisconsin 3,695,850 4,260,757 86.7% 19
Wyoming 255,654 459,997 55.6% 42


a Census Population Count 2020. Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for the United States, Regions, States, District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico: April 1, 2020 to July 1, 2021 (NST-EST2021-POP), released December 2021. Source: US Census Bureau, Population Division. Accessed at

b Reported in CDC Water Fluoridation Reporting System (WFRS). For this report, a water system is considered a community water system (CWS) if so designated by the state drinking water administrator, in accordance with the regulatory requirements of the US Environmental Protection Agency. A CWS supplies water to the same population year-round and serves at least 25 people at their primary residences or at least 15 residences that are primary residences (for example, municipalities, mobile home park, sub-divisions).

c Estimates of state populations served by CWSs and reported in WFRS are controlled by using a product of the US Census state population estimate and the US Geological Survey’s estimate of the percentages of state populations that are on public water systems. Estimates for populations served by each CWS are controlled proportionately within each state. For details on the population-controlling method used, see Calculating Fluoridation Statistics. US Geological Survey: Dieter, C.A., Maupin, M.A., Caldwell, R.R., Harris, M.A., Ivahnenko, T.I., Lovelace, J.K., Barber, N.L., and Linsey, K.S., 2018, Estimated use of water in the United States in 2015: US Geological Survey Circular 1441, 65 p., [Supersedes USGS Open-File Report 2017–1131.]

d Fluoridated population divided by total population.

e Fluoridated population divided by population served by CWSs.

f Based on highest to lowest percentage of population served by CWS receiving fluoridated water. Includes all states and Washington, DC (51 total rankings).

g Complete data were not available from WFRS. State provided additional information.