COAST CITIES — Certain areas are scheduled to begin fluoridating drinking water beginning Dec. 22. All residents in the city of San Diego, as well as residents of the cities of Del Mar, Coronado and Imperial Beach will be impacted
The cities will supplement naturally occurring fluoride and imported fluoridated water in drinking water in order to meet the standards established by the California Department of Public Health.
California state law requires water agencies with more than 10,000 water service connections (which includes the city of San Diego) fluoridate their drinking water supplies. However, a public water system is exempt from fluoridating until sufficient outside funding is available. Both the California Attorney General and the San Diego City Attorney’s Office noted that when sufficient funding became available, San Diego Municipal Code Section 67.0101, which prohibits the city from fluoridation, would be pre-empted by state law.
In June 2008, City Council accepted an offer of funding from the First 5 Commission of San Diego County for the purpose of fluoridating the city’s public water supply. The commission’s offer of up to $3,927,016 is for full funding of the capital costs and up to two years of operating and maintenance expenses necessary to implement fluoridation at each of the city’s three water treatment plants.
For more information, visit “Water Fluoridation” at or call the San Diego Public Utilities Department at (619) 515-3500. Customers who have health questions should consult with their medical or dental practitioner.