Learning Objectives
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Module 1 – Water Fluoridation Background
Lesson 1 – What is Community Water Fluoridation?
• Define community water fluoridation
• Describe the steps in the naturally occurring cycle of fluoride
• Identify the recommended level of fluoride in drinking water
Lesson 2 – Fluoride’s Oral Health Benefits
• Define tooth decay
• Explain how fluoride reduces the incidence of tooth decay and helps prevent it
• Describe the general trend in the decrease of tooth decay in children since the 1970s
Lesson 3 – Dental Fluorosis
• Describe fluorosis, how it occurs and who it might affect
Lesson 4 – Community Water Fluoridation as a Public Health Measure
• Summarize factors that make community water fluoridation an ideal public health intervention
Module 2 – State Water Fluoridation Activities
Lesson 1 – Building Foundational Capacity
• Outline recommended practices for implementing state or community water fluoridation activities.
• Outline recommended practices for maintaining water fluoridation activities.
Lesson 2 – Measuring Water Fluoridation’s Impact
• Explain the process for reporting data on water fluoridation activities.
Lesson 3 – Communicating the Benefits of Community Water Fluoridation
• Summarize best practices for communicating risk with promoting fluoridation.
• Identify common myths about community water fluoridation.
Module 3 – Water Treatment Background
Lesson 1 – Overview of the Water Treatment Process
• List the four essential elements of a water system’s infrastructure
• Construct a simplified diagram of a water treatment system
• List the objective and method for each water treatment step
Lesson 2 – Water Fluoridation’s Objectives
• State the objective and summarize the methods for community water fluoridation
• Determine whether community water fluoridation is an appropriate intervention for a water system
Lesson 3 – Water Fluoridation System Design
• Construct a project checklist of factors and conditions that influence the design of a new water fluoridation system
Lesson 4 – Water Fluoridation System Selection Factors
• Distinguish between equipment requirements for water fluoridation and water treatment systems
• Summarize the trend in fluoride system selection with regards to water system size
• Apply water fluoridation best practices when choosing to add fluoridation to a water treatment system
Lesson 5 – De-Fluoridation of Naturally High Levels of Fluoride
• Select an appropriate target concentration for the de-fluoridation of water containing a high level of natural fluoride
Module 4 – Water Treatment Operations
Lesson 1 – Properties of Fluoride Additives
• Explain the difference between a chemical and an additive
• Compare the properties of natural fluoride minerals
• Identify the fluoride compounds that are approved for drinking water fluoridation in the United States
Lesson 2 – Fluoride Additive Standards
• Make use of information on the quality and grade standards of fluoride additives
Lesson 3 – Fluoride Additive Safety
• Identify the three elements of a safe practice
• Contrast the hazards associated with chronic and acute exposure to concentrated fluoride additives
• List the personal protective equipment required when handling concentrated fluoride additives
Lesson 4 – Water Fluoridation Process with the Fluorosilicic Acid Additive
• Outline a generic process for water fluoridation operations with the FSA additive
• Summarize best practices for water fluoridation operations with the FSA additive
Lesson 5 – Water Fluoridation Process with the Sodium Fluoride Additive
• Outline a generic process for water fluoridation operations with the Sodium Fluoride additive
• Summarize best practices for water fluoridation operations with the Sodium Fluoride additive
Lesson 6 – Water Fluoridation Process with the Sodium Fluorosilicate Additive
• Outline a generic process for water fluoridation operations with the Sodium Fluorosilicate additive
• Summarize best practices for water fluoridation operations with the Sodium Fluorosilicate additive
Lesson 7 – Additive Dosage and Feed Rate
• Model the process control calculation for delivering a desired dosage of fluoride additive at a target fluoride additive feed rate
Lesson 8 – Operational Quality Management
• Construct a simplified process control scheme
• Compare methods for calibration water fluoridation system control points
Lesson 9 – Operational Troubleshooting and Maintenance
• Identify water fluoridation operational situations requiring the need for troubleshooting
• Summarize best practices for successful water fluoridation operational control
• Summarize best practices for periodic maintenance of water fluoridation equipment
Lesson 10 – Sampling and Analysis
• Summarize best practices for the testing and analysis of fluoride in water
Lesson 11 – Colorimetric Sampling Method
• Outline the steps in the colorimetric method of testing for fluoride in water
• Summarize the sources of error when conducting a lab analysis using the colorimetric method
Lesson 12 – Ion Specific Electrode Sampling Method
• Outline the steps in the ion specific electrode method of testing for fluoride in water
• Summarize the sources of error when conducting a lab analysis using the ion specific electrode method
*Original online at https://www.train.org/cdctrain/course/1072975/