Note from the Fluoride Action Network,
The following information, online today, was “last reviewed: October 1, 2019” by the CDC. As one can read, there are no warnings or information for pregnant women, bottle-fed infants, child carers, and others on fluoride’s neurotoxicity. Nor is there any mention of the 63 fluoride IQ studies or the Mother-Offspring fluoride studies. We include this for historical purposes only.  (EC)

Cooperative Agreements

CDC supports state and territorial health departments and national partner organizations through cooperative agreement programs.

Under the State Actions to Improve Oral Health Outcomes (DP-1810), CDC funds 20 state health departments to assist their efforts to decrease dental caries, oral health disparities, and other chronic diseases co-morbid with poor oral health. To accomplish this, states will implement a core set of activities:

  • manage school sealant programs (includes promoting adherence to infection prevention guidelines),
  • support and increase access to community water fluoridation, and
  • conduct oral health surveillance.

These awards average $370,000 per year for up to 5 years, renewable through fiscal year 2022. An additional award of $200,000 per year for five funded states supports efforts to integrate oral health with other chronic disease programs (medical-dental integration). Additionally, under the Prevention and Control of Chronic Disease and Associated Risk Factors in the U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico (DP-1901) Cooperative Agreement, Puerto Rico receives an annual award of $150,000 to develop and implement an oral health surveillance plan, as well as to implement, promote, and evaluate school sealant programs.

Under Partner Actions to Improve Oral Health Outcomes (DP-1811), CDC provides support to two national organizations to build the strength and effectiveness of state and territorial oral health programs to prevent and control oral diseases and related conditions. The Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors receives an average award of $400,000 to provide technical assistance and capacity building resources for funded states and to conduct state oral health program assessments of all states. Year 1 funding also includes $150,000 to support an assessment of territorial oral health programs and to provide technical assistance to them. The National Association of Chronic Disease Directors receives an average annual award of $150,000 to work with the five states funded to support medical-dental integration (MDI) efforts.
The map and table below indicate the 20 states awarded funding under DP-1810 and the 5 with enhanced levels of funding. Both funding opportunities run through August 2023. The map and table also shows the one territory funded under DP-1901, which runs through March of 2024.

Location Funding
AL Not Funded
AK Not Funded
AZ Not Funded
AR Core
CA Not Funded
CO Core + Enhanced
CT Core + Enhanced
DE Not Funded
FL Core
GA Core
HI Not Funded
ID Core
IL Not Funded
IN Not Funded
IA Core
KS Core
KY Not Funded
LA Core
ME Not Funded
MD Core
MA Not Funded
MI Not Funded
MN Core
MS Not Funded
MO Core
MT Not Funded
NE Not Funded
NV Not Funded
NH Core
NJ Not Funded
NM Not Funded
NY Not Funded
NC Not Funded
ND Core + Enhanced
OH Not Funded
OK Not Funded
OR Not Funded
PA Core
RI Core
SC Core + Enhanced
SD Not Funded
TN Not Funded
TX Not Funded
UT Not Funded
VT Core
VA Core + Enhanced
WA Not Funded
WV Core
WI Not Funded
WY Not Funded
PR Core (Subset)

Page last reviewed: October 1, 2019