CHENNAI: The State government on Thursday issued work orders for Package-I of the Hogenakkal Drinking Water Project that would solve the drinking water requirements of Dharmapuri and Krishnagiri districts.

After completion of the pre-qualification, technical qualification and financial evaluation, work orders to the value of Rs.237.18 crore for Package -I was issued to IVRCL Infrastructures and Projects Limited, Hyderabad. Works for Package-I will commence shortly, an official release here said.

The project has been divided into five packages and the first package comprises components like intake structures, raw water pumping station, raw water pump set, raw water pumping mains, treatment plant to a capacity of 156 million litres per day, clear water pumping mains, booster pumping station, master balancing reservoir at Madam for a capacity of 240 lakh litres and provision of supervisory control and data acquisition system.

Dharmapuri and Krishnagiri districts comprise three municipalities, 17 town panchayats and 6755 rural habitations in 18 panchayat unions. Due to the excessive presence of fluoride in the ground water in these districts, people have been suffering from various diseases including skeletal fluorosis, dental fluorosis, and non-skeletal manifestation of the combination of the above.

The cost of the project is Rs.1928.80 crore and will cater to 30 lakh people in both districts.