From August, Waikato District Council will introduce fluoride to water supplies in parts of the district’s northern communities as part of its Community Water Fluoridation Policy.

In 2012, Council adopted the policy which endorsed the continuation of fluoride for Huntly, Ngaruawahia and Horotiu water supplies, and included a future option to extend it to other communities.

Waikato District Council Service Delivery General Manager, Tim Harty says the policy was well received by various representatives from the affected communities.

“We shared the policy with Te Kauwhata, Meremere and Taupiri community representatives who were very supportive of the campaign. We also received support from Waikato District Health Board and their Medical Health Officer.”

Mr Harty says Council appreciates there is significant discussion about fluoride at present however the support they’ve received from the district indicates they should continue with a project they offered the community nearly two years ago.

“Following Hamilton City Council’s decision to remove fluoride from their water supply we surveyed the 2500 Waikato properties affected. Of those who replied, 76% voted in favour of fluoride. This information was presented to HCC as part of their referendum.”
Fluoride will be added to the Te Kauwhata water plant which supplies Te Kauwhata, Meremere and Springhill Prison.
1. Ngaruawahia, Huntly, Horotiu currently have fluoridated water supplies

2. 2500 Tamahere, Matangi, Tamahere, Tauwhare and Eureka properties receive their water supply from Hamilton City Council.

3. Raglan’s water supply is not fluoridated .


Erin Rangi-Watt
Senior Communications Advisor
Waikato District Council
Mobile 027 551 1601