The Crowley City Council met Tuesday night to consider a variety of motions including the suspension of the fluoridation of Crowley’s water until further research could be done and a motion to advertise for bids for a new roofs at the Central Fire Station and the North Crowley Fire Station.
The meeting was missing four of its members including Vernon ‘Step’ Martin who was in DeQuincy representing the city in other matters.
The meeting began with public hearings the first of which was to amend the budget for the city of Crowley for the fiscal year beginning September 1, 2009 and ending August 31, 2010. The council agreed to pass the ordinance.
During the Utility Committee’s report Mayor Greg Jones said that LAWCO had agreed to suspend putting fluoride in Crowley’s water supply until further research could be done on the matter. The matter has been brought up before the council on a couple of previous occasions.
While local dentists and state and federal dental organizations have agreed that the practice of putting fluoride in the water supply was not dangerous, there are obviously many who are still uncomfortable with the issue.
Councilman Elliot Dore brought a booklet containing facts about fluoridation with him to the meeting.
“I urge each of you to read this booklet,” said Dore. “It is filled with facts on the matter.”…