The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) will accept public comments on its proposal to harmonise the classification and labelling of cryolite. Comments are due by December 19.
• Cryolite (Germany) – which is the main constituent of the electrolytic bath in the production of aluminium. Germany proposes to change the current classification by adding classification in category 3 for reproductive toxicity as “Possible risk of harm to the unborn child”; and classification as “Irritating to eyes”. It is also proposed to withdraw the current classification as “Harmful if swallowed”.
See: European Union Risk Assessment Report TRISODIUM HEXAFLUOROALUMINATE [Cryolite] – 212 pa
• Site to submit your comments
About ECHA:
The European Chemicals Agency in Helsinki, Finland, manages the REACH Regulation and the recently adopted Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation. Together, they form the foundation for ECHA – with the aim of protecting human health and the environment, and ensuring the competitiveness of European industry. An important means to achieving this goal is to provide information which ensures the safe use of chemicals