The next city council could be asked to return fluoride to the city’s water supply. What is your position on this?

I have a video on YouTube explaining my stance on this topic, or you can go to the nonpartisan election website called and watch it for yourself.


A hard-working member of the “working class”.

Political/volunteer experience:

Worked with many politicians over a 30-year period whilst in military service to my country. Spent countless days and hours in our cities council chambers over the past five years. Over 10 years of volunteer experience in our city. I foundered my own nonprofit charitable organization – One Direction Calgary.

What is your motivation for seeking a seat on city council?

To change the financial focus of our city to one where we actually help people. To bring a totally different kind of leadership to our city, one that is focused on the wellbeing of the people in our communities.

Describe your leadership style:

I am the only candidate that has actually had 30 years of tried and tested true leadership experience in some of the most diverse, stressful and dangerous environments imaginable throughout the world. A leadership style that focuses on the team’s performance. Always leading by example. With one focus and that is to unit groups, organizations or individuals together to do better things for the greater good for humanity. I have a democratic approach to leadership. I’m able to get the best results out of any team. This will include 14 new councillors.

What do you consider the single most important issue facing Calgarians, and what should be done about it?

Unemployment is the single most important issue facing Calgarians at the moment, apart from issues around COVID.

Our small business sector needs to be thrown a lifeline over the next couple of years and have their taxes reduced to enable them to lift their heads above water and employ more staff and grow. They have taken a beating this last year and many businesses have closed their doors never to open then again. In regards to resolving our COVID crisis, go to my platform topic “United we stand divided we fall”.

What are the three most important issues in your ward, and how would you address them?

I’m running for mayor and my three most important issues are:

Supporting our emergency responders better financially.

Taking control of the city’s budget and implementing a new budget system.

Addressing social inequalities within our city.

Do you support the city’s downtown revitalization strategy? Where should funding and programs be focused?

I do not support the present revitalization strategy that is in place for downtown by funding $200 million to the downtown Beltline to develop a vibrant strategy based on hope that it will bring life to our downtown. I have another plan that doesn’t involve spending $200 million of your future taxes. Watch the videos posted to my YouTube channel for more information.

For the next four years funding should be focused on programs that will assist the people of your city to have the opportunity to gain employment, obtain accommodation and put food on their tables. I intend to focus on helping your councillors do their jobs in your communities while we together complete my manifesto specified in my platform.

What innovative project or job creation measure can you propose to aid Calgary’s post-COVID economic recovery?

I intend to advise council that we should advise the administration to develop a new city public service called Calgary Community Social Services – the details of which are incorporated in my campaign website at

What should city council do to keep young adults from leaving Calgary?

We should not be encouraging youth to stay in our city. We should be encouraging our youth to spread their wings. Leave our city and go have an adventure and gain some life experience in other cities, provinces or countries. Our economy is in a slump and will take at least two years before seeing some kind of major recovery. I would say once you have had your adventure then look back to our city, your home and know we will be ready to embrace your return. I have had many adventures throughout my life and worked in many countries. I chose Canada and Calgary for a reason. I know what is out there. It doesn’t matter what advice we give our youth, they will do what they want to do. I say to you reading this text, once you are ready your city will still be here should you wish to return.

* All candidate Q&As have been edited for clarity and brevity. 

*Original article online at