NEW YORK, Feb. 1 /PRNewswire/ — Bottled water does NOT contribute to tooth decay despite dentists scientifically unverifiable cautions disseminated through the media. Studies actually show the opposite. America’s children are fluoride-overdosed; it’s ruining their teeth and researchers advise cutting back, reveals the New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation (NYSCOF).

The Centers for Disease Control reports from 1/3 to 1/2 of U.S. schoolchildren sport dental fluorosis(1) — white-spotted, discolored and/or sometimes pitted teeth, caused by fluoride over-ingestion.

The Academy of General Dentistry advises against fluoridated water for infant formula or food preparation because many studies show this ups children’s fluorosis risk.(2)

The U.S. Surgeon General reports that excessive fluoride increases susceptibility to cavities.(3)
To avoid crippling skeletal fluorosis, the Environmental Protection Agency sets 4 parts per million (ppm) or 4 milligrams per quart of water as fluoride’s maximum contaminant level.(4)

The Iowa Fluoride Study’s principal investigator, Steven Levy, found that some babies exceed that level and ingest 6 milligrams daily. Furthermore, Levy found 90% of 3-month-olds consumed over their recommended fluoride levels.(5)

Levy et al. report, “There is no specific nutritional requirement for fluoride … given the increased prevalence of fluorosis, it may be necessary to revise downwards the adequate intake levels of fluoride.”

Levy also found:

— 77% of soft drinks had fluoride levels greater than 0.60 ppm
— two ounces of baby chicken food provides baby’s maximum dose
— foods high in fluoride — teas, dry infant cereals, dried chicken,and seafood
— grape juice, especially white, contains very high fluoride levels
— 42% of juice and juice drinks tested revealed unlabeled fluoride levels greater than 0.60 ppm
— cereals processed in fluoridated areas contain from 3.8 to 6.3 ppm fluoride

The USDA provides a database of fluoride contents of food

Reports that bottled-water drinkers risk more cavities are unsubstantiated. The Wall Street Journal reported, “Little research has been done on the use of bottled water and risk of tooth decay, dental experts concede.(6)” UPI wrote: “(P)ublished literature shows little cause for alarm.(7)” Australians drinking fluoridated or non-fluoridated water have similar cavity rates.(8)

“Fluoride ingestion, whether through tap or bottled water, delivers health Risks without benefits,” says Paul Beeber, NYSCOF President. “I urge Dentists to read the mounting science presenting fluoride’s harm and ineffectiveness and not remain fluoride-misinformed.”