It is strange that a doctor can advocate fluoridation when it requires a group of lay councillors to medicate all the people in an entire town or city without regard to dose, individual susceptibly or informed consent. These are the hallmarks of prescribing medication – right dose, for the right person at the right time. Dr de Wet says that fluoridation is “when natural fluoride levels in the water supply are topped up just enough to protect teeth” but it is nothing of the sort. Fluoride used in fluoridation schemes is hydrofluorosilicic acid which has been scrubbed from the chimneys of the phosphate fertilizer industry. It is not “natural” at all and is completely different in chemical composition. Not that naturally occurring fluoride is healthy either. Millions of people around the world, particularly India and China, and have had their lives ruined by fluoride. Fluoride is not a nutrient but a poison. I suggest Dr de Wit ask one of the 101 NZ health professionals that are publicly opposing fluoridation what their concerns are. See
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