FRASER Coast councillors will make a decision on the future of fluoride in the region’s drinking water at its meeting on February 20.
“Councillors have been receiving feedback from those in favour and those against fluoridating the water supply since the state government announced it would hand the decision making to Councils,” Mayor Gerard O’Connell said.
“I still think the decision should have been made by the State Government because it is a public health issue.
“The State Government decided that water supplies should be fluoridated and then passed the buck and is making councils decide whether to continue or discontinue the practice.”
The council has created a fluoride information page on its website which contains links to groups supporting fluoridation and those calling for fluoridation to be stopped.
“We want the opinions of people who live here,” Cr O’Connell said.
Residents wishing to express their views can contact any one of the 10 councillors or the mayor.
“A report outlining the process, how fluoridation came about, the work undertaken so far to fluoridate the regional water supply and cost implications for council will be presented at the February 20 meeting,” Cr O’Connell said.
“A decision will then be made.”