A Hastings council workshop on fluoridation is to hear from a leading opponent who lobbied the ACT Government to take the chemical out of Canberra’s water.

Dennis Stephenson now lives on the Gold Coast and will visit Port Macquarie this afternoon to put his case to council.

The ACT Legislative Assembly abolished fluoridation in 1989 but reintroduced it in the mid 1990s.

He says evidence in Australia and overseas scotches claims that it reduces tooth decay.

“In Sydney it was claimed that up to 1970 there had been a tremendous reduction in dental cases in children’s teeth, then it was revealed that Sydney wasn’t fluoridated until 1968,” he said.

“Well, over 90 per cent of that reduction occurred before fluoride was put in.”

“In New Zealand they had the dental records of children in schools kept since the 1920’s…what you found was a drop in the numbers of holes in kids teeth decade after decade.”

“So you can say fluoridation is great but fluoride didn’t go in until the 1960’s so it had nothing whatsoever to do with the reduction and this is what you find around the world.”