The Democrats for Social Credit Party (DSC) wants Health Minister Jonathan Coleman to resign over his advocacy of poisoning drinking water supplies with risk-laden industrial waste.
While one despairs of expecting MPs like Peter Dunne to understand the health risks of putting one of the most toxic substances on the planet into drinking water, there is no excuse for a Health Minister to remain ignorant of this matter, according to DSC health spokesman David Tranter.
In his ignorance, Dr Coleman is simply hiding behind the trumped-up reports written by government toadies advocating fluoridation when anyone with an open mind cannot fail to understand the folly of the fluoridation agenda.
It is painfully obvious that the sugar-laden diet of so many New Zealand children is by far the greatest factor in poor dental health – and in many other health problems too.
If the government wants to give local councils $12 million to spend on dental health the money would be far better spent educating people about the detrimental effects of excessive sugar consumption, Mr. Tranter said.
Politicians and their bureaucratic myrmidons continue to ignore such programmes as that repeatedly publicised by the Nelson-based Educate Don’t Fluoridate group showing that Denmark’s Nexo programme has seen Denmark emerge as having the world’s lowest rate on dental caries (WHO statistics 2015). Denmark has never fluoridated its drinking water.
If that isn’t enough to dissuade Mr. Coleman from his dogma-driven fixation with fluoride, perhaps he ought to consider the Health and Disability Commissioner’s Code of Rights.
The Code supposedly guarantees that no-one may be medicated without giving ‘informed consent’. Fluoridation fails this right on two counts. Firstly, the public is not being fully (or even partly) informed; and secondly, the right to choose or decline is denied to all when fluoridation is compulsorily administered through mass medication of drinking water.
Dr Coleman’s support of the dark agenda behind such blatantly undemocratic and dangerous policies is unacceptable. Common sense calls out for a new Health Minister with a logical, informed health policy. Dr Coleman must go.
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