Note from Fluoride Action Network
We have placed emphasis on these two points within this article:
— (Schools that have children living in areas with fluoridated water supplies and have a significant amount of students in the free/reduce breakfast/lunch programs and busing children from townships with non-fluoride supplies; school of choice students; are also eligible.)
— Children enrolled in both programs are eligible for an oral screening (once every 6 months) and fluoride varnish application (up to 4 times a year) during MIHP home visits and WIC appointments- even if they only have 1 tooth.
MCHD Dental Outreach Summary 2018-19 School Year
The Superior District Dental Society (SDDS) purchased ‘Transport a Tooth’ kits for our area schools. If a tooth is “dislodged” it is placed in the kit’s solution. The student and the kit are taken to the dentist ASAP. The solution helps preserve the tooth so it may be placed back into the student’s mouth. A local pharmacy makes the kits at cost for the program. The Marquette County Health Department (MCHD) “Dental Outreach Program” delivers the kits along with directions and phone contacts for replacement kits to all area schools. The kits are due to expire in June 2020. (The kits have a two-year expiration date.)
Seven (7) out of eight (8) eligible Marquette County schools participated in the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) Fluoride Mouthrinse Program (FMP) for the 2018-19 school year. Out of 7 participating schools, 1,631 students could have rinsed weekly, and 1,024 actually did for a 63% participation rate! (Cherry Creek Elementary School in Marquette, Michigan is still not participating in the program.) Tose schools participating: Republic-Michigamme School; Aspen Ridge Elementary; Wells Township; Powell Township; Lakeview Elementary; Birchview Elementary; and Gilbert Elementary. Elementary schools located in areas with non-fluoridated water supplies are eligible. (Schools that have children living in areas with fluoridated water supplies and have a significant amount of students in the free/reduce breakfast/lunch programs and busing children from townships with non-fluoride supplies; school of choice students; are also eligible.) The FMP is free to all students who return a signed parental consent allowing them to participate. The students rinse once a week, for one minute (with fluoride) throughout the school year. Supplies and training are provided to the schools by the MCHD’s Dental Hygienist. Parent volunteers, teachers, aides, and school nurses are trained to implement the program. The program, training, and supplies are provided to the schools free also! The program is a wonderful addition to daily oral hygiene habits and regular dental visits. The FMP not meant to replace brushing, flossing, or trips to the dentist. With financial help from community support, the MCHD will once again provide Marquette County elementary schools with the FMP for the 2019-20 school year.
Marquette Dental Clinic/MCDC contact information, toothbrushes, and prevention pamphlets have been distributed to our two hospitals for their ‘newborn parent packets’ in an effort to prevent Early Childhood Caries (ECC). On average, both hospitals combined deliver approximately 800-900 newborn infants.
The MCHD continues to participate in the MDHHS dental program initiated in 2012 called Varnish! Michigan Babies Too! The Maternal Infant Health Program ((MIHP) sees eligible families/mothers and infants to age 1 year. The Women, Infant, Children Program (WIC) see eligible families/mothers and infants, children to age 5 years old. Children enrolled in both programs are eligible for an oral screening (once every 6 months) and fluoride varnish application (up to 4 times a year) during MIHP home visits and WIC appointments- even if they only have 1 tooth. This program along with education provided to the caregivers is a wonderful adjunct to ECC prevention efforts. The SDDS helped the MCHD with a list of area dentists including phone contacts, to give to families we work with. These dentists provide services to children enrolled in Healthy Kids Dental and MIChild. Since 2012, 864 oral screening and fluoride varnish treatments have been applied! This program is not meant to replace brushing, flossing, or trips to the dentist.
The MCHD’s Dental Hygienist visits area kindergarten classrooms to teach good oral health habits to students in a ‘game-like’ atmosphere. Marquette Dental Clinic information, other dental provider lists, prevention materials, toothbrushes, and stickers were given to all students. Approximately 684 kindergarten students and teachers enjoyed a visit from the Dental Hygienist this school year.
Marquette Dental Clinic information and toothbrushes are distributed during health fairs, the annual community baby shower, and other area events and agencies. This year, approximately 920 people received dental information and toothbrushes through a variety of community outreach services.
*Article online that contains the above:
*Click this to see original article, MCHD Dental Outreach Summary 2018-19
— Online October 2019