This resolution is being launched by the new Massachusetts Fluoridation News, a weekly publication by East Coast Science News, P.O. Box 797, Belchertown, MA 01007. There will be a $3.00/year fee so that readers can indicate to the publisher that the newsletter is useful to them. Please make checks payable to East Coast Science News.

A signature-collection campaign on a resolution to ban water fluoridation in Massachusetts is now being spread across the Commonwealth. The resolution centers on recent discoveries confirming fluoride’s neurotoxicity. The campaign is aimed at state legislators, requesting they pass a law banning water fluoridation in Massachusetts. Each issue of the Massachusetts Fluoridation News will contain updated lists of people and organizations, by town and legislative district, who have signed the resolution. The newsletter also looks to publish statements by people explaining why they have signed the resolution or decline to do. “We will knock on every door. Ring every phone. Look under every rock. We want to bring this issue to a head, every week until it can no longer be ignored,” said News editor Michael F. Dolan of Belchertown.

A Resolution to Prohibit the Addition of Fluoride to Community Water Systems in Massachusetts

Preamble. This resolution is written in honor of the scientists at the US Environmental Protection Agency and elsewhere for reporting the adverse effects of fluoridated water.

Whereas a liter of fluoridated tap water contains the same dose of fluoride as the prescription medicine, and

Whereas water fluoridation violates the fundamental medical ethical principle of informed consent, and

Whereas a National Research Council investigation concluded that the current regulation of fluoride in drinking water does not protect the population of the United States, and

Whereas dozens of studies have found that fluoride in drinking water is a neurotoxin that lowers children’s IQ, and a Harvard meta-analysis of these studies confirmed the neurotoxicity of fluoride in drinking water, and

Whereas the EPA’s Neurotoxicology Division labels fluoride as a chemical with “substantial evidence of developmental neurotoxicity,”

Now therefore be it resolved that the General Laws of Massachusetts shall be revised by the passage of a measure prohibiting the addition of fluoride to community water systems in Massachusetts.

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An electronic version of the resolution with space for signatures is available by writing to Michael F. Dolan, P.O. Box 797, Belchertown, MA 01007 or


Choi, A.L., Sun, G., Zhang, Y. and Grandjean, P. 2012. Developmental fluoride neurotoxicity: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Environmental Health Perspectives 120: 1362-1368.

Grandjean, P. and Landrigan, P.J. 2014. Neurobehavioural effects of developmental toxicity. Lancet Neurology 13: 330-338.