The Department of Health and the HSE have agreed to conjointly establish an Advisory Board for a National Study of Total Fluoride Intake, Irish Medical Times reports.

It is proposed the Advisory Board will review the scientific literature, evidence of best practice and expert opinion on the most appropriate methods to determine total fluoride intake in a general population.

Revealing details of the agreement, Mary Keane, Regional Chief Environmental Health Officer, HSE South, said it was anticipated the Advisory Board would make recommendations to Hawkins House on the potential population health merits of such a review, the most scientifically-accepted and valid methods available for such a study, and its general design, including time scales, quality assurance, pilot study format, and ethical issues.

“It [the Body] may also consider additional research questions that might be investigated, with an explanation as to how it is envisaged that these might better inform population health decision-making and interventions,” Keane mentioned.