In January of 2006, Community Water System discontinued the addition of fluoride (in the form of fluorosilicic acid) to its finished water. Several factors entered into this decision most of which concerned health issues, conflicting research concerning the merits of fluoride in drinking water as well as employee safety, according to Tim Shaw at CWS. The discussion and decision to discontinue fluoride injection was a part of CWS’ 2006 budget process.
“As a water utility, our foremost responsibility is to supply our customers with the highest quality water which contains the least amount of additives. Fluoride is known to be a hazardous chemical which requires special handling and storage systems. It is a highly corrosive chemical capable of damaging pumps and virtually everything else it comes in contact with. At present, the CWS treatment facility would require a number of modifications before fluoride could be handled safely and properly. The issue of injecting fluoride will again be considered during the development of CWS’ 5 year budget plan for system improvements. However, with the continually rising costs and the constant need for system upgrades, our focus will be on infrastructure and the required Safe Drinking Water Act programs before we can justify unmandated and unfunded social programs. ”
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